Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 171-176.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180504106

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Stability analysis of suture needle of prefabricated parts and improvement of inserting mechanism

DONG Jiuzhi(), SONG Zongjian, CHEN Yunjun, JIANG Xiuming   

  1. Advanced Mechatronics Equipment Technology Tianjin Area Major Laboratory, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2018-05-16 Revised:2019-07-15 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-10-23


Aiming at the problem of easy occurrence of pressure bar destabilization of the long sewing needle during the sewing of the carbon cloth by orthogonal-crossed woven carbon cloth sewing device for the 70 mm-thick prefabricate, based on the analysis of the stability of the sewing needle, a mechanism was designed to increase the destabilization critical force. The mechanism is composed of a needle-holding cam, a needle-holding pole and a needle-holding block. The theoretical basis for the design is to reduce the cantilever length of the sewing needle by increasing the constraint point of the middle part of the needle by the needle-holding block, and to ensure the block always in the position where the destabilization critical force of the sewing needle is maximized by the limitation of the needle-holding cam, after the sewing needle penetrates into the carbon cloth. The contour of the cam is generated and optimized by MatLab according to the changing track of the position of the needle-holding block, which is determined according to the Euler formula. For verifying the feasibility of this improved single needle insertion mechanism, an insertion experiment of orthogonal-crossed woven carbon cloth was performed. The results showed that the principle is feasible and the working process is reliable.

Key words: sewing of composite, sewing of prefabricate, sewing needle, sewing technology, single needle insertion mechanism

CLC Number: 

  • TH122


Schematic diagram of piercing mechanism"


Three-dimensional model of single needle insertion mechanism"


Schematic diagram of needle bar mechanism"


Moving curve of clasping needle block"


Velocity curve of clasping needle block"


Acceleration curve of clasping needle block"


Motion curve of follower after amendment"


Velocity curve of follower after amendment"


Acceleration curve of follower after amendment"


Cam contours of clamping stitchesr"


Cam for hold needle"


Variation of F2"


Assembly drawing of improvement mechanism. (a) Front view; (b) Axonometric drawing;(c) Partial image"


Insertion test process. (a) Before insertion; (b) During insertion; (c) Complete insertion"


Statistical table of experiment results"

实验位置 实验次数 成功率/%
1 50 100
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