Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 105-112.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180902108

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation of visible-light-response TiO2 photocatalyst by hydrothermal reduction

SHI Xiaoping, LI Yao, PAN Jiahao, WANG Ting(), WU Liguang   

  1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China
  • Received:2018-09-10 Revised:2019-07-04 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-10-23
  • Contact: WANG Ting


Aiing at obtaining a visible-light-response photocatalyst with high contaminants removal in high-salinity wastewater, the surface modification for commercial titania (P25) photocatalyst were studied by hydrothermal reduction, and Ti3+ doped photocatalysts with visible light response were prepared. The influence of changing conditions in hydrothermal reduction on the photodegradation for methyl-orange in high-salinity wastewater using these catalysts was explored under irradiation of visible light. The results show that the hydrothermal reduction can not only remove some oxidized functional groups on the P25 surface, but also forms a heterojunction structure by reducing TiO2 crystals to amorphous TiO2. The introduction of Ti3+ into the catalyst by reducing Ti4+ in TiO2 can expand the visible light response of the catalyst, thereby providing the catalytic activity excited by visible light. The activity of methyl orange of P25 modified by hydrothermal reduction using ethanol is the highest under the excitation of visible light, and the removal rate of 5 h for methyl-orange is up to 95%. In addition, the mild hydrothermal reduction process also ensures the catalyst stability, thus the removal rate of 5 h for methyl-orange exceeds 90% in the repeated photodegradation experiments.

Key words: photocatalyst, Ti3+ self-doping, visible light response, hydrothermal reduction modification, wastewater treatment, methyl orange

CLC Number: 

  • O647


Preparation conditions for different photocatalysts"

催化剂 还原剂 还原方式
H-P25 H2 600 ℃还原
V-P25 抗坏血酸 水热还原
L-P25 柠檬酸钠 水热还原
G-P25 葡萄糖 水热还原
A-P25 乙醇 水热还原


FT-IR spectra of different photocatalysts a—P25; b—H-P25; c—V-P25;d—L-P25; e—G-P25; f—A-P25。"


TEM images of different photocatalysts"


HRTEM images of different photocatalysts"


XRD patterns of different photocatalysts a—P25; b—H-P25; c—V-P25;d—L-P25; e—G-P25; f—A-P25。"


XPS profiles of different photocatalysts a—P25; b—H-P25; c—V-P25;d—L-P25; e—G-P25; f—A-P25。"


XPS profiles of Ti2p in different photocatalysts"


Atomic percentage of C element and valence content of Ti element in different catalysts"

催化剂 还原剂 催化剂中C的
P25 10.5 100 0
H-P25 H2 8.3 0 100
V-P25 抗坏血酸 45.8 100 0
L-P25 柠檬酸钠 42.6 100 0
G-P25 葡萄糖 20.3 98.3 1.7
A-P25 乙醇 9.6 92.5 7.5


Photodegradation curves for methyl-orange in wastewater with high salt concentration by different photocatalysts under irradiation of weak visible light a—P25; b—H-P25; c—V-P25; d—L-P25;e—G-P25; f—A-P25。"


Removal ratio (5 h) for methyl-orange in wastewater with high salt concentration by different photocatalysts under irradiation of weak visible light"


Photodegradation for methyl-orange in wastewater with high salt concentration for 3 cycles using alcohol-P25 catalyst"


TEM image of A-P25 catalyst after photodegradation for 3 cycles"

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