Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (02): 30-37.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180905208

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Coloration rules between colored spun yarns and its fabrics based on spectral pan-similarity measure

YUAN Li1,2(), WANG Danshu1, GU Qian1, TU Shaojie1, XIONG Ying1, YUAN Haoran1, LIU Junping3, YAN Yuchen4   

  1. 1. School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, Hubei 430200, China
    2. State Key Laboratory for Hubei New Textile Materials and Advanced Processing Technology, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, Hubei 430200, China
    3. School of Mathematics and Computer, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, Hubei 430200, China
    4. Electronic Information School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
  • Received:2018-09-21 Revised:2018-11-04 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-01


Aiming at the diversity and complexity of colored spun fabric, a spectral similarity measure model based on the discrete Fréchet distance and the Pearson correlation coefficient was established. Meanwhile, the discriminant criterion of spectral reflectance curve characteristics in view of intra class distance and inter class distance were established, and applied in analysis on the color transfer and influence factors between colored yarn and its fabric. The results show that compared with the conventional color difference analysis model, the spectral similarity measure model and the difference criterion are stable and effective in color characterization and discriminant capability. The difference of mixing ratio, property, type and twisting coefficients of dyed fiber cause significant difference in color of colored spun yarns and fabrics. When the difference of the mixing ratio of dyed fibers is lower than 2% and the difference of yarn twist coefficient is lower than 10, the color change happens between yarn and fabric, but the influence of the weaving process is limited and is a weak interference factor relative to the difference of fiber property and types.

Key words: colored spun yarns, colored spun fabric, spectral similarity measure model similarity criterion

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.9


Typical spectral reflectance curves of colored spun fabrics. (a) Spectral reflectance curves with similar shape characteristics; (b) Spectral reflectance curves with similar distance characteristics"


Parameters of experiment samples"

组分中各色纤维质量分数 说明
17001# 白色95.05%;大红3.93%;金黄1.02%
17002# 白色94.60%;大红3.90%;金黄1.48%
17004# 白色93.60%;大红3.90%;金黄2.50%
17005# 白色93.10%;大红3.90%;金黄3.00%
17006# 白色94.96%;大红3.06%;金黄1.98%
17009# 白色93.38%;大红4.60%;金黄2.02%
17010# 白色92.90%;大红5.10%;金黄2.00%
17011# 白色93.90%;大红4.60%;金黄1.50%
17012# 白色94.00%;大红3.53%;金黄2.47% 大红:38 mm
17015# 白色94.00%;大红3.53%;金黄2.47% 大红51 mm
17016# 白色94.10%;大红3.90%;金黄2.00% 细绒棉
17017# 白色94.10%;大红3.90%;金黄2.00% 长绒棉
17019# 白色90.00%;黑色4.00%;蓝色6.00%
17020# 白色88.00%;黑色4.00%;蓝色8.00% 黑色:38 mm
17021# 白色90.00%;黑色2.00%;蓝色8.00%
17022# 白色89.00%;黑色3.00%;蓝色8.00%
17023# 白色88.10%;黑色4.00%;蓝色7.90%
17024# 白色91.00%;黑色3.00%;蓝色6.00% 黑色:38 mm
17025# 白色92.00%;黑色2.00%;蓝色6.00% 黑色:38 mm
17026# 白色88.00%;黑色4.00%;蓝色8.00% 黑色:51 mm
17027# 白色91.00%;黑色3.00%;蓝色6.00% 黑色:51 mm
17028# 白色92.00%;黑色2.00%;蓝色6.00% 黑色:51 mm
17029# 白色94.30%;大红3.80%;金黄1.90% 捻系数60
17030# 白色94.00%;大红4.00%;金黄2.00% 捻系数65
17031# 白色94.00%;大红4.00%;金黄2.00% 捻系数75
17032# 白色94.30%;大红3.80%;金黄1.90% 捻系数80


Effect of fiber quality ratio on SPM characteristics between yarns and fabrics"

BD(Y) WD(Y) BD(F) WD(F) 质量
17001# 4.53×105 2.04×106 5.6×106 2.01×106 0.94
17002# 4.94×108 7.18×108
17009# 1.38×104 1.6×107 4.73×106 1.60×107 1.04
17011# 3.49×108 3.41×108
17005# 1.34×104 1.65×106 1.32×105 5.25×108 1.80
17012# 1.49×107 3.19×108
17004# 2.40×104 3.72×107 3.38×104 2.50×108 2.0
17011# 3.49×108 3.41×108
17002# 5.90×104 4.94×108 5.60×104 7.18×108 3.02
17005# 1.65×106 5.25×108
17006# 2.29×102 2.42×106 1.16×102 1.42×108 4.12
17010# 1.29×107 5.85×109
17020# 8.82×106 1.59×105 4.55×107 8.85×105 0.2
17023# 3.96×106 7.21×107
17020# 3.62×103 1.59×105 7.95×103 8.85×105 2.0
17022# 1.36×106 3.25×108
17021# 2.53×102 2.67×105 2.51×102 3.08×107 3.0
17023# 3.96×106 7.21×107
17019# 2.68×102 1.45×106 3.85×102 3.39×105 4.0
17021# 2.67×105 3.08×107
17023# 1.43×101 3.96×106 2.87×101 7.21×107 7.8
17025# 1.51×105 7.72×106


Effect of fiber characteristics on SSPM characteristics between yarns and fabrics"

BD(Y) WD(Y) BD(F) WD(F) 说明
17012# 1.68×104 1.49×107 3.59×104 3.19×108 大红
38 mm
51 mm
17015# 3.86×108 5.27×107
17020# 1.84×103 1.59×105 1.44×104 8.85×105 黑色
38 mm
51 mm
17026# 5.49×107 1.61×107
17025# 1.71×104 1.51×105 1.50×103 7.72×106 黑色
38 mm
51 mm
17028# 3.97×106 4.53×104
17024# 1.12×104 2.25×105 2.29×104 4.46×106 黑色
38 mm
51 mm
17027# 8.54×104 4.74×106


Effect of fiber type difference on SSPM characteristics between yarns and fabrics"

样品编号 BD(Y) WD(Y) BD(F) WD(F) 说明
17016# 1.96×102 3.24×108 4.61×102 6.04×108 细绒
17017# 1.06×106 6.23×109


Spectral reflectance curves between colored yarns and fabrics with different fiber types"


Influence of fiber twist factor on SSPM characteristics between yarns and fabrics"

BD(Y) WD(Y) BD(F) WD(F) 捻系
17029# 1.99×10-7 4.40×10-6 2.14×10-4 4.02×10-7 60
17032# 6.14×10-8 2.58×10-7
17030# 8.48×10-6 8.10×10-9 9.23×10-5 7.36×10-8 65
17031# 1.02×10-7 2.43×10-9


Analysis results of chromatic aberration between yarns and fabrics by fiber mass ratio"

17001# 0.767 0.663 0.315 0.372 0.94
17002# 0.616 0.161
17009# 1.308 0.731 0.148 0.191 1.04
17011# 0.240 0.240
17005# 1.820 0.771 0.887 0.084 1.80
17012# 0.280 0.357
17004# 0.408 0.358 1.611 0.358 2.0
17011# 0.240 0.240
17002# 0.506 0.616 0.105 0.161 3.02
17005# 0.771 0.084
17006# 6.231 0.244 5.174 0.307 4.12
17010# 0.091 0.195
17020# 0.404 0.424 0.194 0.527 0.2
17023# 0.254 0.264
17020# 1.988 0.424 1.860 0.527 2.0
17022# 0.519 0.123
17021# 3.559 0.199 3.792 0.064 3.0
17023# 0.254 0.264
17019# 4.134 0.309 3.843 0.392 4.0
17021# 0.199 0.064
17023# 5.489 0.254 6.006 0.264 7.8
17025# 0.011 0.156


Spectral reflectance curves of colored spun yarns and fabrics from 17001# and 17002#. (a) Spectral reflectance curves of colored spun yarns from 17001# and 17002#; (b) Spectral reflectance curves of colored spun fabrics from 17001# and 17002#"


Abnormal aggregation of colored fibers and heterochromia fiber clusters in colored yarns (a) and colored fabrics(b)"

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