Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 161-167.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20181103007

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Influence of structure parameter of auxiliary nozzle in air-jet loom on characteristics of flow field

LI Sihu, SHEN Min(), BAI Cong, CHEN Liang   

  1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Digital Textile Equipment, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, Hubei 430200, China
  • Received:2018-11-12 Revised:2019-05-08 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-26
  • Contact: SHEN Min


In order to reduce the energy consumption of the auxiliary nozzle, enhance the bundling of the air jet and improve the production efficiency and fabric quality, the influences of structural parameters of the auxiliary nozzle and the supply pressure on the characteristics of flow field were studied. The numerical simulation of three-dimensional flow field model were carried by fluid dynamics software Fluent. Three typical auxiliary nozzle structures under different gas supply pressures were investigated, such as the single circular hole, regular triangular hole and star hole. The velocity contours of the symmetry planes, the central axis speed, the air consumption and the weft insertion stability were acquired under the air supply pressure of 0.2 MPa to 0.4 MPa. The numerical results of the central line velocity and the radial velocity of the single circular hole were verified by experiment. Comparisons between these two results indicate that the overall trend of speed change is consistent with the experimental results. On this basis, the influence of different orifice type auxiliary nozzles on the flow field was explored. The results showed that when the air supply pressure is same, the star-hole auxiliary nozzle has better airflow bundling, better weft insertion stability and less air consumption.

Key words: air jet loom, auxiliary nozzle, profiled reed, numerical simulation, star hole

CLC Number: 

  • TS103.3


Single cicular hole auxiliary nozzle. (a) Circular hole; (b) Sketch map of section structure"


Triangle hole auxiliary nozzle. (a) Triangle hole; (b) Sketch map of section structure"


Star hole auxiliary nozzle. (a) Star hole; (b) Sketch map of section structure"


Mesh model of flow field of auxiliary nozzle and boundary condition setting"


Pressure inlet conditions under different gas supply pressures"

0.2 0.2 198 366 5.7 9 942.8
0.3 0.3 297 554 5.1 8 480.5
0.4 0.4 396 703 4.8 7 724.4


Comparison for equivalent diameter of numerical values"

速度/(m·s-1) 等效圆直径/mm
数值模拟 文献[4]实验值
100 3.1 3.5
80 4.6 4.5
60 6.5 6.7
40 8.5 9.5
20 10.0 12.5


Comparison between simulation velocity and experimental velocity in center line for single hole auxiliary nozzle under different air supply pressures"


Velocity contours of three auxiliary nozzle models under 0.3 MPa. (a) Single circular hole auxiliary nozzle; (b) Triangle hole auxiliary nozzle; (c) Star hole auxiliary nozzle"


Velocity contours of three auxiliary nozzle models under 0.4 MPa. (a) Single circular hole auxiliary nozzle; (b) Triangle hole auxiliary nozzle; (c) Star hole auxiliary nozzle"


Velocity on axis of auxiliary nozzles at different pressures. (a) Single circular hole auxiliary nozzle; (b) Triangle hole auxiliary nozzle; (c) Star hole auxiliary nozzle"


Chart of airflow velocity along center line with various pore of auxiliary nozzles under 0.3 MPa. (a) Single circular hole auxiliary nozzle;(b) Triangular hole auxiliary nozzle; (c) Star hole auxiliary nozzle"


Air consumption and average speed of airflow of different auxiliary nozzles at 0.4 MPa"

孔形 最大速度/(m·s-1) 耗气量/(m3·h-1)
单圆孔 432 1.357
正三角形孔 457 1.380
星形孔 497 1.215


Velocity distribution of cross section. (a) Single circular hole auxiliary nozzle; (b) Triangular hole auxiliary nozzle;(c) Star hole auxiliary nozzle"


Stability of weft insertion with different passes under different pressure mm"

孔形 不同压力下等效圆半径
0.3 MPa 0.4 MPa
单圆孔 1.45 1.82
正三角形孔 1.54 1.96
星形孔 1.92 2.12
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