Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (02): 109-114.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190103306

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of arm angular motion on clothing local thermal insulation

XIAO Ping1,2,3, ZHANG Zhaohua1,2,3(), ZHOU Ying1,2, LIU Jiakai1,2, TANG Haoyuan1,2   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051,China
    3. Shanghai Institute of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2019-01-15 Revised:2019-11-14 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-21
  • Contact: ZHANG Zhaohua


To investigate the influence of arm angular motion on local air gap distribution and clothing heat transfer performance, a 3-D scanner was utilized to quantify the local air gap volume and contacting area of 12 body segments of a sweating manikin under six arm postures. An index to describe the activity space of human body was established and the clothing local thermal insulation was measured as well. The results show that the protraction angles of arm are significantly positively correlated with contacting area, but negatively correlated with air gap volume. The activity space of human body is dramatically decreased with the increase of arm protraction angle. The local thermal insulation of body segments displays an uneven distribution state, which body segments with bigger air gap volumes and smaller contacting areas show greater effective thermal insulation. The effective thermal insulation of clothing could be predicted by air gap volume and contacting area proportion.

Key words: arm activity angle, air gap volume, clothing comfort, contacting area, clothing thermal insulation

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.16


Segmentation map of Newton sweating manikin. (a) Front view; (b) Back view"


Experimental name of 12 segments of manikin"

3 右前上臂 RUAF(right up arm front)
4 右后上臂 RUAB(right up arm back)
5 左前上臂 LUAF(left up arm front)
6 左后上臂 LUAB(left up arm back)
7 右前小臂 RFF(right forearm front)
8 右后小臂 RFB(right forearm back)
9 左前小臂 LFF(left forearm front)
10 左后小臂 LFB(left forearm back)
13 胸部 UC(up chest)
14 上后背 UB(up back)
15 腹部 ST(stomach)
16 中后背 MB(middle back)


Holder of arms"


Sketch drawing of experimental garment. (a) Front view; (b) Back view"


Specifications of garmentcm"

部位名称 尺寸 部位名称 尺寸
前身长 76 袖长 61.5
后身长 77 肩宽 44
胸围 114 领围 43


Protraction angles of arms"

动作及说明 动作名称 左/右臂前伸角度
参考动作,双臂自然下垂 M0 0°/0°
右臂抬起45°,左臂自然下垂 M1 0°/45°
右臂抬起90°,左臂自然下垂 M2 0°/90°
右臂抬起135°,左臂自然下垂 M3 0°/135°
右臂抬起135°,左臂抬起45° M4 45°/135°
右臂抬起135°,左臂抬起90° M5 90°/135°


Air gap volumes of body segments"


Correlation coefficient of air gap volume and arm motion"

体段 相关系数 显著性 体段 相关系数 显著性
RUAF -0.974** 0.001 LFF -0.77 0.073
RUAB -0.989** 0.001 LFB -0.933** 0.007
LUAF -0.713 0.112 UC 0.789 0.062
LUAB -0.821* 0.041 UB -0.979** 0.001
RFF -0.922** 0.009 ST 0.882* 0.02
RFB -0.904* 0.013 MB -0.818* 0.047


Contacting area proportion of body segments"


Correlation coefficient of contacting area and arm motion"

体段 相关系数 显著性 体段 相关系数 显著性
RUAF 0.905* 0.013 LFF 0.798 0.057
RUAB 0.872* 0.024 LFB 0.867* 0.028
LUAF 0.867* 0.025 UC -0.788 0.063
LUAB 0.898* 0.015 UB 0.966** 0.002
RFF 0.777 0.069 ST -0.763 0.077
RFB 0.695 0.154 MB 0.986** 0.001


Thermal insulation of body segments"

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