Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 32-38.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190201707

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and compression properties of bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments by 3D printing

ZHANG Xiaohui, YANG Tong, MA Pibo()   

  1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2019-02-15 Revised:2019-08-07 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-18
  • Contact: MA Pibo


In order to study the influence of the internal structure of bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments on the compression properties, bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments and solid monofilaments with the length of 100 mm and the external diameter of 2 mm were prepared by 3D printing technology using polyester as the feeding fiber. The finite element(FEM) analysis was adopted to find the influence on the compression properties of warp-knitted spacer fabrics prepared from the bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments. The experimental and FEM results show that the structure of monofilaments influence the compression properties. The bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments undertake more load per unit mass compared with the solid monofilament, and the greater the proportion of the hollow part of the hollow monofilaments, the greater the load born by per unit mass of bamboo-structure hollow monofilament. The compression properties of warp-knitted spacer fabrics are influenced by the internal structure of spacer monofilaments. The greater the proportion of the hollow part of the bamboo-structure hollow monofilaments as the spacer monofilaments, the greater the load born by per unit mass of the warp-knitted spacer fabrics.

Key words: polyester, bamboo-structure hollow monofilament, 3D printing, compression property, warp-knitted spacer fabric

CLC Number: 

  • TS184.3


Specifications of monofilaments"

单丝编号 内径/mm 实心/空心 质量占比
1# 0 10/0 100.0
2# 1 1/9 77.5
3# 1 2/8 80.0
4# 1 3/7 82.5
5# 1 4/6 85.0
6# 1 5/5 87.5


Fabrication process of 3D printing monofilament"


3D printing monofilaments. (a) Diagrammatic; (b)Monofilaments; (c) Cross-section of solid part; (d) Cross-section of hollow part"


3-D images of bamboo-like hollow monofilament. (a) 3-D volume image; (b) Longitudinal section image"


Experiment diagram of universal material testing machine. (a) Experimental schematic; (b) Plates covered by silicone rubber"


Specifications of materials"

0.2 25 68 0.24 1.38×103 0.35 0.2


Deformation of monofilament with different strains"


Load-displacement curves of 3D printing monnofilaments"


Load-displacement (a) and load per unit mass-displacement curve(b) of monofilaments"


Stress distribution of monofilaments during compressing process"


Height reduction of samples after single compression"


Energy-change curves of fabric"


Load-displacement curve (a) and load per unit mass-displacement(b) of fabrics"


Form of sress transfer on fabric surface. (a) Displacement nephogram after compression; (b) Simulative surface profile"

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