Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (06): 168-173.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190304306

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Review on carbon fiber surface modification using electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide

LI Liping1, WU Daoyi1, ZHAN Yikai1, HE Min1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Materials and Metallurgy, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
    2. National Engineering Research Center for Compounding and Modification of Polymeric Materials, Guiyang, Guizhou 550014, China
  • Received:2019-03-15 Revised:2020-02-03 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-28
  • Contact: HE Min


Carbon fiber (CF) surface has few polar functional groups, and hence is chemically inactive, leading to weak interface bonding strength with the matrix in composites. Aiming at this problem, this article reviewed the latest research progress in carbon fiber surface modification with electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide to improve the mechanical properties of composites. Based on the adoption of the electrophoretic deposition processes, the work on carbon fiber surface modification with carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide and the effect of the fiber modification on mechanical properties of modified carbon fiber and their composite materials were described. The factors affecting the effect of electrophoretic deposition on modified carbon fibers were summarized, and corresponding suggestions were put forward. The research trend in carbon fiber surface modification based on the use of electrophoretic deposition was explained, and the paper pointed out that pretreatment of carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide, and the addition of auxiliary electrophoretic deposition equipment manufacturing will become an important research direction in the future.

Key words: carbon fiber, electrophoretic deposition, carbon nanotube, graphene oxide, composite material, mechanical property

CLC Number: 

  • TQ342.74


SEM images of surface morphologies of CNTs/CF-desized hybrid(a) and CNTs/CF- oxidized hybrid(b) fiber (×13 000)"


Illustrations of CNT/Cu hybrid nanostructure. (a) Nucleation and growth of copper particles on carbon nanotubes; (b) Electrically linked carbon nanotubes"


Schematic of EPD process of CNTs onto carbon fibers without(a) and with(b) ultrasonication"


SEM surface images of carbon fiber. (a) GO deposited without ultrasonic; (b) GO deposited with ultrasonic; (c) GO/CF-oxidized hybrid ?ber with ultrasonic"


Electrophoretic deposition of graphene oxide modified (a) long and (b) short carbon fiber"

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