Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (04): 174-180.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190308007

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Research progress of high relative molecular weight polyacrylonitrile prepared by radical initiators

ZHAO Yaqi1(), GUO Wenjing2, DU Lingzhi1, ZHAO Zhenxin1, ZHAO Haipeng1   

  1. 1. School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction,Pingdingshan, Henan 467036, China
    2. School of of Chemical Engineering and Energy,Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China
  • Received:2019-03-28 Revised:2019-12-17 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-27


To develop high quality polyacrylonitrile(PAN) copolymer for PAN-based carbon fiber production,in view of the advantages and disadvantages of different polymerization processes, such as aqueous suspension polymerization, aqueous precipitation polymerization and mixed-solvent precipita-tion (suspension) polymerization, and combined with its reaction characteristics, the research progress of high relative molecular weight PAN copolymer prepared by radical initiator in recent years was reviewed. The research contents include the choice of oil-soluble or water-soluble initiator,theoretical and experimental analysis of the preparation of high molecular weight PAN polymer. From the experiment results of PAN copolymers synthesized by a single initiator, it is understood that PAN copolymers with high conversion and high molecular weight can be obtained by using the water phase polymerization system. On the premise of not reducing the polymerization reaction yield, average molecular weights of PAN copolymers can be reasonably adjusted by using the mixed-solvent precipitated (suspension) polymerization.

Key words: radical initiator, high relative molecular weight polyacrylonitrile, aqueous medium, mixed-solvent, initiator selection, high quality carbon fiber precursor

CLC Number: 

  • TQ342


Theoretical calculation results of PAN homopolymer by different polymerization methods"

聚合方法 极限相对分子质量
均相溶液聚合 2.43×105
水相沉淀/悬浮聚合 17.67×105
混合溶剂沉淀(悬浮)聚合 2.43×105~17.67×105


Experimental results of preparing PAN copolymers by different polymerization methods"

聚合方法 共聚单体
引发剂 引发剂
其他反应条件 转化
1 均相溶液
25 [AIBN] 1 2 反应温度为60 ℃ 75.1 0.8 [34]
2 水相悬浮
m (AN):
m (MA)=95:5
25 [AIBN] 1 4 反应温度为60 ℃,引入质量分数为0.5%的PVA 39.5 7.59 [18]
3 水相悬浮
m (AN):
m (IA)=98:2
17 [AIBN] 0.6 2 反应温度为60 ℃,引入质量分数为0.15%的PVA 52.9 7.5 [19]
4 水相沉淀
m (AN):
m (IA)=99:1
22 [APS] a:0.8
2 a:无相对分子质量调节剂
5 水相沉淀
m (AN):
m (MA)=98:2
22 [APS] 1 3 反应温度为65 ℃ 91.6 7.15 [35]
6 混合溶剂
m (AN):
m (IA)=98:2
22 [APS] 0.6 2 反应温度为60 ℃,DMSO和H2O质量比为50:50 86.0 9.23 [36]
7 混合溶剂
m (AN):
m (MA)=99:1
20 [AIBN] 0.6 2 反应温度为60 ℃
48.2 5.6 [11]
8 混合溶剂
m (AN):
m (AA)=98:2
25 [AIBN] 1 2 反应温度为60 ℃,引入质量分数为0.1%的PVA,DMF和H2O体积比为10:90 35.7 3.39 [34]
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