Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 34-40.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190502707

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on color grading of seed cotton based on neural network

XU Shoudong(), LENG Yijin, WU Guoxin   

  1. Institute of Cotton Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, Anhui 233041, China
  • Received:2019-05-14 Revised:2020-07-14 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-10-27


In order to solve the problem of color classifying for seed cotton, a detection device based on L *a*b* color space, which is mainly composed of color sensor, light source and peripheral circuit, was designed. Aiming at the unstable output of reflectance and yellowness, which are very important for color grading, a four layers BP neural network was used and trained repeatedly with 5 standard color boards. After the calibration, the rectified reflectance has coefficient of variation with less than 0.21% and the rectified yellowness has coefficient of variation with less than 1.13%. In the next experiment,480 specimen of seed cotton which cover up 12 color grades is prepared. After repeated experiments, it is found that the average value of 10 measurement points, which are evenly distributed in one specimen, could be used as color value for a test sample. Finally, a neural network was applied to analyze the 480 seed cotton sample data, of which 80% was used for training and 20% for identification. Experiment results show that the detection accuracy is more than 90% for all 12 color grades.

Key words: seed cotton, color grade of seed cotton, color sensor, neural network

CLC Number: 

  • S562


Structure of seed cotton color grade detecting system"


Principle diagram of photoelectric detection device"


Side view of photoelectric detection device"


Principle of NN rectification of color board"


Neural network for nonlinear rectification"


Calibration of reflectance and yellowness measurements of standard color plates"

序号 白板 棕色板 黄色板 灰色板 中色板
Rd +b Rd +b Rd +b Rd +b Rd +b
标准值 78.400 4.800 57.200 12.400 70.400 14.600 56.100 2.800 73.100 8.300
实测值1 78.591 4.713 57.019 12.313 70.505 14.673 55.684 2.721 73.233 8.269
实测值2 78.496 4.875 57.028 12.436 70.424 14.638 56.100 2.845 73.245 8.278
实测值3 80.491 4.499 57.407 12.509 70.399 14.612 56.192 2.947 73.346 8.241
实测值4 77.214 4.884 57.275 12.473 70.464 14.665 56.061 2.775 72.951 8.369
实测值5 78.397 4.916 56.828 12.254 70.433 14.643 56.347 2.906 73.248 8.268
实测值6 78.123 5.060 57.259 12.471 70.332 14.549 56.093 2.550 73.084 8.320
实测值7 78.185 4.835 57.034 12.314 70.383 14.564 56.224 2.746 72.975 8.387
实测值8 78.025 4.937 57.229 12.251 70.342 14.556 56.085 2.597 72.786 8.340
实测值9 78.890 4.775 57.199 12.465 70.255 14.513 56.215 2.887 73.223 8.300
实测值10 79.271 4.543 57.264 12.531 70.374 14.567 56.115 2.714 73.307 8.183
实测平均值 78.568 4.804 57.154 12.402 70.391 14.598 56.111 2.769 73.140 8.295
实测标准差 0.869 0.176 0.171 0.107 0.071 0.055 0.174 0.131 0.182 0.061
实测离差 0.168 0.004 -0.046 0.002 -0.009 -0.002 0.011 -0.031 0.040 -0.005
离差百分比/% 0.210 0.070 -0.080 0.010 -0.010 -0.010 0.020 -1.110 0.050 -0.050


Relation between measurements and results"

样品 色泽 10次 20次 30次 40次 50次
均值 标准差 均值 标准差 均值 标准差 均值 标准差 均值 标准差
白棉1级 Rd 83.58 1.03 83.81 0.92 83.72 0.92 83.56 0.91 83.51 0.91
+b 8.44 0.69 8.27 0.67 8.46 0.67 8.54 0.62 8.52 0.60
白棉2级 Rd 82.62 0.88 82.38 0.87 81.69 0.88 81.59 0.88 81.71 0.87
+b 8.14 0.29 8.18 0.29 8.40 0.28 8.45 0.28 8.35 0.27
白棉3级 Rd 82.32 1.16 82.36 1.16 81.46 1.16 81.22 1.15 81.26 1.15
+b 7.32 0.78 7.10 0.67 7.36 0.70 7.38 0.66 7.39 0.61
白棉4级 Rd 75.27 2.21 74.59 1.68 74.63 1.37 74.71 1.19 74.79 1.07
+b 8.05 0.50 8.09 0.44 7.97 0.41 7.93 0.38 7.89 0.35
白棉5级 Rd 68.28 0.69 68.96 0.68 69.63 0.68 70.21 0.66 70.60 0.65
+b 7.79 0.54 7.60 0.53 7.46 0.55 7.37 0.54 7.29 0.53
淡点污棉1级 Rd 79.79 1.07 79.54 1.08 79.34 1.07 79.10 1.06 79.10 1.05
+b 9.83 0.18 9.94 0.16 9.93 0.17 9.92 0.15 9.93 0.14
淡点污棉2级 Rd 74.87 0.58 74.75 0.62 74.87 0.58 74.86 0.57 74.84 0.54
+b 10.08 0.27 10.06 0.26 10.05 0.27 10.04 0.25 10.04 0.24
淡点污棉3级 Rd 65.73 0.85 65.89 0.83 66.43 0.85 66.79 0.85 66.82 0.84
+b 8.66 0.06 8.65 0.06 8.68 0.05 8.70 0.05 8.70 0.04
淡黄染棉1级 Rd 79.17 1.58 77.87 1.55 78.08 1.55 78.12 1.50 78.09 1.51
+b 12.21 0.27 12.19 0.27 12.15 0.25 12.15 0.23 12.14 0.22
淡黄染棉2级 Rd 71.68 1.41 72.01 1.19 71.82 1.19 71.94 1.09 71.92 1.02
+b 11.69 0.52 11.61 0.44 11.71 0.45 11.59 0.48 11.60 0.46
淡黄染棉3级 Rd 58.97 0.33 59.32 0.34 59.59 0.32 59.78 0.30 59.77 0.31
+b 10.72 0.17 10.51 0.17 10.26 0.19 10.13 0.17 10.13 0.18
黄染棉1级 Rd 70.27 2.86 70.13 2.77 72.00 2.61 72.06 2.48 72.30 2.37
+b 14.75 0.34 14.54 0.36 14.31 0.35 14.29 0.34 14.28 0.34


Neural network of seed cotton classification"


Classification and recognition of seed cotton %"

序号 标准棉样等级 分类准确率 识别率
1 白棉1级 95.0 97.9
2 白棉2级 100.0 92.7
3 白棉3级 92.5 95.8
4 白棉4级 100.0 91.6
5 白棉5级 100.0 100.0
6 淡点污棉1级 100.0 92.7
7 淡点污棉2级 100.0 94.8
8 淡点污棉3级 100.0 90.6
9 淡黄染棉1级 92.5 96.9
10 淡黄染棉2级 100.0 96.9
11 淡黄染棉3级 100.0 100.0
12 黄染棉1级 100.0 100.0
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