Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (05): 191-196.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190504606

• Comprehensive Review • Previous Articles    

Research progress of chemical protective clothing

LÜ Kaimin, DAI Hongqin()   

  1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215006, China
  • Received:2019-05-21 Revised:2020-02-04 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-06-02
  • Contact: DAI Hongqin


In order to understand comprehensively all performance requirements of chemical protective clothing, key factors affecting the performance were discussed. The performance differences of chemical protective clothing made from different materials were reviewed, and the development of chemical protective clothing was described. After looking at the design process of chemical protective clothing, the performance evaluation of chemical protective clothing was discussed using a five-level analysis system. By comparing the relevant standards used in China and abroad, deficiencies in domestic standards were identified, including limitation in performance testing, low systematization, and slow update. The research direction of chemical protective clothing in the future was pointed out from the problems existing in chemical protective clothing at present. Aiming at the problems identified through this review, it is proposed that future research regarding chemical protective clothing should take place concerning human, chemical protective clothing and environment, so as to improve the accurate evaluation of the comprehensive performance of chemical protective clothing.

Key words: chemical protective clothing, protective material, rotective performance, design process

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.73


Common materials for chemical protective clothing"

材料类型 防护性能 优点 缺点
非织造布 干微粒和轻微液体喷雾 成本低,透气性好 防护等级低
液体飞溅以及液体、气体渗透 防护等级高 舒适性差
液体飞溅 舒适性好 小分子气体可通过
气体和蒸汽的渗透 防护性能较好 成本高,适用范围小
涂层织物 液体飞溅,液体、气体渗透 质量轻,防护性能好 耐久性较差
复合材料 液体飞溅,液体、气体或蒸汽渗透 防护性能好 成本高


Five-level analysis system for performance evaluation of protective clothing"


Relevant standards of chemical wear in China"

标准 分类
GB 24539—2009《防护服装 化学防护服通用技术要求》 1-ET:气密性化学防护服-ET
GB 24540—2009《防护服装 酸碱类化学品防护服》 2-ET:非气密性化学防护服-ET
GB/T 23462—2009《防护服装化学物质渗透试验方法》 3a:喷射液密性化学防护服
GB/T 24536—2009《防护服装化学防护服的选择、使用和维护》 3:液密性化学防护服 3a-ET:喷射液密性化学防护服-ET
GB/T 29511—2013《防护服装 固体微粒物化学防护服》 3b:喷溅液密性化学防护服
GA 770—2008《消防员化学防护服装》 4:颗粒物防护服
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