Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 178-187.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190704610

• Comprehensive Review • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Advances in flame-retardant surface treatments for textiles

LIU Jinxu, LIU Pengqing()   

  1. College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China
  • Received:2019-07-15 Revised:2020-07-01 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-10-27
  • Contact: LIU Pengqing


To further improve the practicability and extend the applications of flame-retardant fibers and fabrics, recent advances of high-quality and multifunctional surface treatments for textiles were reviewed. Focusing on physical deposition, chemical modification, sol-gel process, and layer-by-layer self-assembly, research lierature on the development of the treatment qualities, such as washability, mechanical robustness, and mechanical strength were summarized. Furthermore, advantages and applications of multifunctional flame-retardant surface treatments were scrutinized. The review indicates that future developments of flame-retardant surface treatments for textiles will be concentrated on the efficient combination of high quality to realize the practical and functionalized applications of multifunctional flame-retardant textiles and on the applications of surface treatments in wearable electronics, furniture, clothing, and protective equipment.

Key words: flame-retardant, multi-function fabric, surface treatment, sol-gel

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.6


Mechanism and scheme of sol-gel process for fabrication of flame-retardant coatings (M is Si or metal)"


Schematic diagram of fabrication of flame-retardant coatings via LbL self-assembly process and their structure"

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