Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (09): 119-127.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190901509

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and ergonomic evaluation of flexible rehabilitation gloves

SHEN Jinzhu1, ZHAO Xiaolu1, ZHANG Fan2, YU Qing3, SU Junqiang1,4()   

  1. 1. School of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Suzhou Rouchu Robot Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600, China
    3. Jiangyin Industry Management Center, Jiangyin, Jiangsu 214400, China
    4. Textile and Apparel Engineering Research Center of Fujian Province, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, China
  • Received:2019-09-03 Revised:2020-05-27 Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-09-25
  • Contact: SU Junqiang


In order to improve the comfort of flexible rehabilitation gloves and speed up the rehabilitation process, a clinical investigation on the comfort of flexible rehabilitation gloves was carried out. Four design elements, i.e. functionality, fabric construction, structural paraameters and visual perception, were realized affecting the comfort of the gloves. On this basis, an improved rehabilitation glove was developed with three types of soft robotic fingers were used for evaluation. On this platform, objective evaluations were carried out for finger bending strength, friction coefficient between fabric and skin, air permeability and moisture permeability of fabric. In parallel, two subjective evaluation experiments of contact comfort and structural ergonomics of glove fabric were carried out. It was found that the suitable working pressure of the rehabilitation glove ranges from 40 to 120 kPa. When the gloves were pressurized with 40 kPa, the maximum compression on the thumb, the little finger and the other fingers was 2.94 N, 1.77 N and 1.96 N, respectively, demonstrating a preliminary rehabilitation effect. Furthermore, the fabric contact comfort score was 6.63, which shows that the gloves were comfortable to wear. The gloves were found convenient to wear, not limiting the normal functions of fingers.

Key words: flexible fingers, hand rehabilitation, rehabilitation gloves, ergonomic evaluation, soft robot

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.26


Soft finger robot of company A"


Bending actions of soft finger robot"


Gloves No. 0"


Three kinds of selected soft finger parameters for flexible rehabilitation robot gloves"

指尖行程/mm 手指长
W/mm 质量/g
A6 28 35 50 83 111 24 45.0
A9 28 45 70 125 153 24 60.0
B8 21 50 60 84 104 18 21.5


Schematic diagram of soft finger robot parameters. (a) Motion distance; (b) Length and height; (c) Width"


Flexible rehabilitation robot glove. (a) Front; (b) Back"


Rehabilitaiton gloves design flow"


Fabric selection scheme of flexible rehabilitation robot gloves of company A"

用途 面料名称 面料类型 面料材质 面料性能 颜色
接触手背手掌部分皮肤 经编网眼布料 针织 涤纶 布面结构较稀松,透气性好 灰色
接触手背手指部分皮肤 空气层四面弹力面料 针织 锦纶+氨纶 四面弹力,透气透汗,绵软滑腻 灰色
包覆柔性手指 超高弹力面料 针织 82%锦纶+18%氨纶 质地轻薄光滑,具备良好弹性 白色
覆盖气管 绒面潜水布料 针织 绒布+丁苯橡胶(SBR)+涤纶布 可直接黏贴魔术贴,具塑形功能 黑色


Schematic diagram of finger bending force of gloves"


Variation o bending force of glove finger with the stroke of fingertips"

A6手指 A9手指 B8手指
40 -14 0 40 -31 0 40 -24 0
0 0.69 0 0.82 0 0.39
33 2.94 45 1.96 47 1.77
80 -31 0 80 -56 0 80 -46 0
0 1.73 0 1.65 0 0.86
33 4.12 45 3.18 47 2.52
120 -46 0 120 -70 0 120 -58 0
0 2.87 0 2.57 0 1.43
33 6.07 45 4.76 47 2.94


Properties of fabric of gloves touching hands"

面料 面密度/
(g·(m2·24 h)-1)
经编网眼面料 74 0.29 632.48 0.44 10 035.47 3.0 1.001 1.060
空气层四面弹力面料 210 0.96 126.33 4.38 5 580.32 2.5 1.016 1.103


Evaluation scale of fabric overall contact comfort"


Contact comfort evaluation results of gloves at each stage of experiment"

实验阶段 评价项目 编号 平均得分 评价结果
第1阶段 冷暖感 1 5.07 温度适中
刺扎感 2 2.17 略微刺扎
粗糙感 3 2.40 略微粗糙
第2阶段 刚硬感 4 3.07 较为柔软
静电感 5 0.30 无电感
滑腻感 6 5.15 略微滑腻
紧贴感 7 5.13 中等紧贴
刮擦感 8 3.75 略微滑腻
局部压迫感 9 2.75 轻微压感
第3阶段 接触黏附感 10 2.67 轻微黏附
湿冷感 11 4.35 中等冷
总体舒适感 12 6.67 适度舒适


Experimental evaluation results of structure and efficiency of gloves at each stage of experiment"

实验阶段 评价项目 编号 平均得分 评价结果
第1阶段 穿戴困难度 1# 3.04 较为容易
手指合体性 2# 5.98 一般合体
手掌合体性 3# 7.03 较为合体
手腕合体性 4# 7.48 较为合体
第2阶段 整体合体性 5# 7.42 较为合体
手指合体性 6# 6.72 较为合体
手掌合体性 7# 7.23 较为合体
手腕合体性 8# 7.48 较为合体
手套轻重感 9# 5.83 一般轻重
手套压迫感 10# 4.94 一般压迫
手指酸胀感 11# 2.94 轻微酸胀
第3阶段 视觉舒适性 12# 5.31 一般舒适


Average evaluation results of fabric contact evaluation. (a) Fabric contact evaluation; (b) Structural ergonomics evaluation"

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