Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (01): 167-174.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20191002508

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Recent advance in preparation of thermo-regulating textiles based on phase change materials

CHEN Yunbo1, ZHU Xiangyu1, LI Xiang1, YU Hong2, LI Weidong2, XU Hong1, SUI Xiaofeng1()   

  1. 1. College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai 200040, China
  • Received:2019-10-12 Revised:2020-03-17 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-01-21
  • Contact: SUI Xiaofeng


In order to clarify the effect of preparation process on the properties of temperature adjusted textiles, the paper reviewed recent reports dealing with preparation of thermo-regulating textiles using phase change materials (PCMs). Two strategies could be used to incorporate PCMs: they could be introduced either to filling hollow filaments or after the spinning stage, or to fabrics by direct filling, surface grafting, or coating of phase change microcapsules. Fabrication of phase-changing yarns via filling hollow filaments with PCMs is applicable only to a limited amount of fiber materials. Direct filling of woven fabrics is simple and convenient, yet at the cost of handle and comfortableness of the finished fabric. Spinning of or finishing with PCM microcapsules have been industrialized. However, the amount of PCMs incorporated tends to be low. The electrospinning method is not easy to be industrialized. The surface grafting method yielded textiles with good and durable temperature regulating properties, yet suffered from complicated processing. Finally, the future development of temperature regulating textiles with phase change materials is prospected.

Key words: thermo-regulating textiles, phase change material, microcapsules, preparation method, direct filling method, electrospinning method

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.6


Thermo-regulating fiber by hollow fiber filling method"

相变材料 纤维材料 PCMs质量
LA 木棉纤维 165.60 [6]
LA 木棉纤维 82.70 146.80 [7]
PEG-600 粘胶纤维 42.60
PEG-3350 聚丙烯纤维 35.60 [8]
PEG-400 粘胶纤维 34.30
PEG-400 聚丙烯纤维 28.30 [9]
PG/NPG 聚酯纤维 24.00 [10]
柔性石蜡 聚丙烯纤维 52.42 73.90 [11]
碳纳米管/聚丙烯纤维 79.53 107.60
赤藓糖醇 木棉纤维 87.42 298.50 [12]
甘露醇 92.54 297.80


Thermo-regulating fiber by spinning method with PCM microcapsules"

壳材 芯材 微胶囊焓值/(J·g-1) 纤维 整理方法 纤维焓值/(J·g-1) 参考文献
MF 正十八烷 133.37 PBS纤维 熔融纺丝 5.76 [16]
MF 正十八烷 180.00 聚丙烯纤维 熔融纺丝 9.20 [17]
丙烯酸酯基共聚物 正十八烷 187.80 聚乙烯纤维 熔融纺丝 9.30 [18]
海藻酸钠纤维 湿法纺丝 124.10
正十八烷 145.00 AN/MA纤维 熔融纺丝 23.00 [19]
丙烯酸树脂 石蜡 PVDF纤维 静电纺丝 23.66 [20]
SiO2 石蜡 PVA纤维 湿法纺丝 45.39 [21]
聚酰胺 石蜡 聚丙烯腈纤维 湿法纺丝 60.10 [22]


Thermo-regulating fiber by compound spinning method"

相变材料 纤维材料 焓值/ (J·g-1) 参考文献
脂肪酸酯和高级脂肪族醇 聚酰胺6 66.12 [23]
PEG 聚丙烯 20.10 [24]
正十九烷 聚丙烯 [25]
正二十烷 24.00
正二十烷 聚丙烯 50.80 [26]
脂肪酸酯和高级脂肪族醇 聚乙烯 62.43 [27]


Thermo-regulating fiber prepared by electrostatic spinning method"

相变材料 支撑材料 添加剂 PCM质量分数/% 熔融焓/(J·g-1) 熔融温度/℃ 参考文献
LA/PA PET Ag 49.50 70.03 36.59 [30]
石蜡 PAN Cs0.32WO3 54.30 60.31 35.37 [31]
正十八烷 SiO2/PVP 45.00 114.00 27.00 [32]
LA PA6 CNTs 49.50 61.39 44.93 [33]
LA PET SiO2 40.76 62.90 46.00 [28]
LA PA6 60.00 74.12 44.71 [34]
PEG-1000 PAN CNTs 50.00 83.20 47.18 [35]
PEG-6000 PA66 56.52 85.42 59.76 [36]
PEG-1000 CAb 50.00 86.03 58.47 [37]
CA/SA PET 66.67 95.24 31.63 [38]
CA/MA/SA CAb 83.30 101.80 21.90 [39]
CA/LA SiO2 82.00 90.40 22.70 [40]
CA/PA SiO2 84.20 108.60 28.10
PEG PVP 石墨烯 110.78 22.71 [41]
CA PA6 75.40 107.60 31.61 [42]
CA/PA PA6 81.90 113.20 25.41
PEG-2000 PVP 68.00 116.20 59.73 [43]


Thermo-regulating textile by direct filling method"

相变材料 相变温度/℃ 其他装置 参考文献
大胶囊 [45]
PCM 18 [47]
PCM 21
PCM 28
微胶囊 [46]
PCM 固体干燥剂 [48]
PCM 18 [49]
PCM 微型风扇 [50]
大胶囊 [51]
PCM 24 [52]
PCM 28
PCM 10 [53]
PCM 20
PCM 30


Thermo-regulating textile by surface modification method"

壳材 芯材 微胶囊焓值/(J·g-1) 织物 整理方法 织物焓值/(J·g-1) 参考文献
P(MMA-co-MAA) 正十八烷 70.60 轧—烘—焙 [54]
正二十烷 145.80 轧—烘—焙
壳聚糖 正二十烷 120.50 竭染法 [55]
明胶/海藻酸钠/黏土 正二十烷 114.70 轧—烘—焙 [56]
P(MMA-AA-DVB) 正十八烷 234.00 轧—烘—焙 [57]
PS 石蜡 104.70 涂层 7.60 [58]
PMMA Na2SO4·10H2O 127.00 轧—烘—焙 12.30 [59]
PMMA 十二醇/月桂酸 118.00 轧—烘—焙 20.18 [60]
聚丙烯酸丁酯 正十六烷 120.20 涤纶/棉 轧—烘—焙 28.59 [61]
MF 正十八烷 173.50 涤纶(针织物) 印花 36.50 [62]
涂层 23.40
轧—烘—焙 13.40
聚硅氧烷 正二十烷 146.90 聚酯织物 涂层 34.50 [63]


Thermo-regulating textile by surface grafting method"

相变材料 方法 织物 熔融焓/
PEG-10000 接枝 PET 112.02 [67]
PEG-1000 接枝 33.80 [68]
PEG-1000 接枝 纤维素 92.70 [69]
PEG-2000 接枝 PVA纤维 56.25 [70]
PEG-8000 接枝 56.00 [71]
正十六烷 接枝 [72]
乙基纤维素微胶囊 接枝 [73]
PEG-1500 接枝 聚乳酸纤维 43.02 [74]
PET纤维 38.96
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