Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (09): 128-135.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20191200308

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on online-to-offline clothing customization mode based on consumer perceived value

LI Hao1, GU Liwen2, GU Wen1, LIU Xiaogang1()   

  1. 1. Fashion & Art Design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2019-12-02 Revised:2020-06-15 Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-09-25
  • Contact: LIU Xiaogang


In order to analyze the impact of consumer perceived value on O2O (online-to-offline) clothing customization mode, the current status of domestic O2O clothing customization brands was discussed. Through literature review, case analysis, group discussion and other methods, the measurement dimensions of consumer perceived value under O2O clothing customization mode were constructed, and the conceptual mode of each measurement dimension affecting consumer purchase intention was used to propose relevant hypotheses. Factor analysis of the 589 collected valid questionnaire feedbacks showed that each of the measurement dimensions has good reliability and validity. The structural equation model was used to test the research hypothesis. The fit indices showed that the model fit was good, and hence the hypotheses were verified. Among the measurement dimensions of consumer perceived value, the professional ability perceived by consumers has the greatest effect on consumer willingness-to-buy, while the emotional value perceived by consumers has the smallest effect on purchase willingness. Finally, an O2O clothing customization mode based on the consumer perceived value was proposed to provide a theoretical reference for the current O2O clothing customization enterprises.

Key words: online-to-offline, clothing customization, consumer perceived value, customization mode, consumer purchase

CLC Number: 

  • F423.3


O2O clothing customization process. (a) Traditional technology-driven; (b) Internet technology-driven"


Measurement dimensions and meaning of consumer perceived value"

维度 含义
产品质量 定制服装产品在影响消费者使用方面表现出来的优劣程度
产品性能 产品满足消费者需求所具有的物理性能
产品评价 对产品综合性能进行的判断、分析或宣传
感知价格 品牌提供的包含商品和服务的价格与消费者参考价格的对比
专业能力 在品牌营销过程中企业人员向顾客提供的专业技能
品牌服务 企业为消费者提供的满足消费者心理需求的商品或劳务活动过程
情感价值 品牌通过产品或服务引起消费者情感上的共鸣
社会价值 通过产品增强自我社会概念的能力
网站性能 定制服装商品网络销售平台的运行能力


Theoretical model"


Measurement dimensions of perceptive value and corresponding indicators"

维度 测量项目 代码 参考文献
定制服装的制作工艺 QUA1 [15-16]
定制服装的面辅料质量 QUA2
定制服装的合体性 QUA3
定制服装能否经久耐穿 PEF1 [17-18]
定制服装是否容易维护和打理 PEF2
定制服装能否适应多个场合的穿着需求 PEF3
定制服装是否具有可维修性 PEF4
亲朋好友对定制服装产品的评价 EVA1 [19-20]
其他消费者对定制服装产品的评价 EVA2
第三方媒体对定制服装产品的宣传报道 EVA3
品牌自身对定制服装产品的宣传推广 EVA4
是否经济划算 PRI1 [21-22]
是否物有所值 PRI2
商品折扣的大小 PRI3
服装定制网站/APP是否标明了价格 PRI4
服务人员的专业技能及专业知识 PRF1 [23]
服务人员会告知产品及服务的详细信息 PRF2
服务人员会根据顾客的体型特征给出定制或穿搭建议 PRF3
能否制作出完全符合要求的服装 PRF4
服务人员的服务态度 SER1 [22, 24]
智能化的定制手段(三维量体、VR等) SER2
服装定制的速度(服装定制周期的长短) SER3
提供上门量体、异地邮寄的服务 SER4
喜欢该定制品牌 EMO1 [8-9, 12]
让我感觉良好 EMO2
给我带来快乐 EMO3
让我在体验该品牌的产品或服务时感到轻松 EMO4
让我更易于被其他人接受 SOC1 [9]
改善其他人对我的看法 SOC2
给别人留下好印象 SOC3
得到社会认可 SOC4
定制网站/APP的专业设计风格 WEB1 [25]
定制网站/APP能否快速提供我想要的信息 WEB2
定制网站/APP操作的便捷性 WEB3
定制网站/APP交易的安全性(付款密码、个人隐私等) WEB4
定制网站/APP能否根据我的喜好进行产品推荐 WEB5


Standardized regression weights"

WTB←QUA 0.177 0.029 4.023 ***
WTB←PEF 0.205 0.028 4.707 ***
WTB←EVA 0.182 0.033 4.201 ***
WTB←PRI 0.188 0.029 4.27 ***
WTB←PRF 0.213 0.032 4.85 ***
WTB←SER 0.206 0.029 4.676 ***
WTB←EMO 0.132 0.034 3.004 0.003
WTB←SOC 0.172 0.034 3.925 ***
WTB←WEB 0.201 0.034 4.601 ***


Results of common model fitting index"

χ2 绝对拟合指数 相对拟合指数
979.08 0.043 0.925 0.911 0.027 0.94 0.979 0.982


Modified model"


Standardized regression weights after model modification"

WTB←QUA 0.124 0.041 2.831 0.005
WTB←PEF 0.125 0.039 2.831 0.005
WTB←EVA 0.121 0.046 2.635 0.008
WTB←PRI 0.122 0.043 2.637 0.008
WTB←PRF 0.143 0.049 2.986 0.003
WTB←SER 0.141 0.04 3.29 0.001
WTB←EMO 0.085 0.044 2.024 0.043
WTB←SOC 0.113 0.042 2.873 0.004
WTB←WEB 0.138 0.041 3.653 ***


Indicator dimension ranking"

划分标准 维度 维度
一级 P≤0.003 专业能力 PRF
品牌服务 SER
网站/APP性能 WEB
二级 0.003<P<0.04 社会价值 SOC
产品质量 QUA
产品性能 PEF
产品评价 EVA
产品价格 PRI
三级 0.04<P<0.05 情感价值 EMO


O2O clothing customization mode based on consumer perceived value"

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