Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 174-181.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200205509

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Recent progress in gas-tight chemical protective clothing

ZHANG Tingting, ZHANG Jie(), TIAN Xinyu, CHEN Zhen, REN Wei   

  1. Beijing BW Techtextile Co., Ltd., Beijing 100043, China
  • Received:2020-02-27 Revised:2020-09-14 Online:2020-12-15 Published:2020-12-23
  • Contact: ZHANG Jie


In view of the frequent and serious hazardous chemical accidents at home and abroad, the increasingly severe threat of bioterrorist attacks, the imperfection in research and development and production of chemical protective equipment, it is necessary to normalize the material development, structure design, production, performance testing, selection and application of personal protective equipment, especially the gas-tight chemical protective clothing. This paper briefly reviewed the product classification and their performance requirements of gas-tight chemical protective clothing according to international standards, American, European and Chinese national standards. The protective properties, structure characteristics, product certification and development status of gas-tight chemical protective clothing on the market were introduced. The properties and product certification of wide-used chemical protective materials were compared. The research status shows that despite few domestic manufacturers are engaged in the production of chemical protective fabrics with polymer membranes, the protective properties of some fabrics are able to meet the requirements of Chinese national, international and European standards. To this end, it is recommended that the relevant administrative departments continue to provide the necessary policy support for the chemical protection industry in order to implement the localization, scale and systemization of high-performance chemical protection equipment as soon as possible.

Key words: emergency rescue, personal protective equipment, chemical protective clothing, gas-tight, permeability

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.73


Comparison of overall protective performance between domestic and foreign gas-tight protective clothing standards"

标准号 气密性 液体泄
NFPA 1991—2016 不低于800 Pa 漏气率<
30 mL/min
ISO 16602:2007 压降≤20%
BS EN 943-1:2015 ≤300 Pa
GB 24539—2009 压降≤20% 1 h无渗漏


Comparison of physical and mechanical properties between domestic and foreign gas-tight protective clothing standards"

标准号 耐磨损
-30 ℃低
NFPA 1991—2016 连续摩擦
25次后1 h
6.00 μg/cm2
>67 N/
(25 mm)
>49 >200 -25 ℃;
15 min 及60°偏斜角下,弯曲力矩为0.057 N·m
续燃<2 s,损毁<100 mm,无熔滴
ISO 16602:2007 >500次 >15 000 >200 >30 >40 >100 >10
BS EN 943-1:2015 >500次 >1 000 >200 >300 >40 >100 >10 续燃<5 s,无熔滴
GB 24539—2009 >500次 >15 000 >300 >40 >250 >50 70 ℃处理8 h断裂强力下降≤30% -40 ℃处理8 h 断裂强力下降≤30%


Comparison of chemical protective properties between domestic and foreign gas-tight protective clothing standards"

标准号 丙酮、乙腈、氨气、二硫化碳、氯气、二氯
索曼 芥子气
NFPA 1991—2016 1 h累计渗透量≤6.00 μg/cm2 1 h累计渗透量≤
6.00 μg/cm2
1.25 μg/cm2
4.00 μg/cm2
ISO 16602:2007 标准透过时间>60 min
BS EN 943-1:2015 标准透过时间>60 min
GB 24539—2009 标准透过时间>60 min


Cast-tight chemical protective clothing. (a) Dupont Tychem TK;(b) Dupont Tychem ThermoPro;(c) Dupont Tychem 10000 FR; (d) Kappler Zytron 500;(e) Ansell Trellchem EVO;(f) Saint-Gobain Onesuit Flash 2;(g)Fushun Aofeng RHF-IAP; (h) Shanxi Xinhua gas-tight chemical protective clothing;(i)Fushun Huateng HTZF-2 A;(j)Beijing Bangwei RHF-IBWC"


Properties of gas-tight protective clothing at abroad and homeland"

生产企业 材质 面密度/
拉伸强力/N 撕裂强力/N 接缝强
抗刺穿性/N 阻燃
经向 纬向 经向 纬向 经向 纬向
杜邦Tychem ThermoPro 高分子复合膜 285 1 081 1 028 227 151 280 128 141 满足NFPA2112
杜邦Tychem TK 高分子复合膜 407 672 576 334 249 123 124 未认证
开普勒Zytron 500 高分子复合膜 534 538 156 168 满足NFPA 1994和
EN 943-1/2
Trellchem EVO
Viton橡塑复合 >200 >200 >49 >49 >144 NFPA 1991-2016和
EN 943-2认证
双面PVC涂覆 840 1 470 1 372 118.2 107.8 360 360 未认证
橡胶 ≥450 ≥450 ≥50 ≥50 ≥250 ≥50 ≥50 未认证
高分子复合膜 500 572 616 164 149 500 68 68 未认证
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