Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (07): 151-157.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200503107

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of wind speed on moisture resistance of single-layer and double-layer combined sportswear knit fabrics

WANG Lijun1,2(), MA Ximing1, DING Yinjia1, CHEN Chengyi1   

  1. 1. School of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. Zhejiang Provincial Research Center of Clothing Engineering Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2020-05-15 Revised:2021-04-12 Online:2021-07-15 Published:2021-07-22


In order to build an effective prediction model of moisture resistance of single-layer and double-layer combined sportswear knit fabrics in soft wind range, twelve T-shirt fabrics and eight outerwear fabrics which are commonly used were selected for this study. The moisture resistance of fabrics under four wind speeds was tested, and the representative T-shirt and outerwear fabrics were obtained by cluster analysis. By simulating the two-layer dressing state of T-shirt and outerwear, quantitative test of moisture resistance between skin, T-shirt and outerwear under different wind speeds were carried out.The third-order polynomial model of the moisture resistance of T-shirt and outerwear fabric and wind speed, and the linear model between the moisture resistance of double-layer fabrics combination and the moisture resistance of inner and outer layer fabric were constructed. The results show that the moisture resistance of T-shirt, outerwear and double-layer fabrics combination decreases with the increase of wind speed within the range of soft wind, and the moisture resistance of the inner T-shirt fabric has a greater impact on the moisture resistance of the double-layer sportswear fabric combination. The mean absolute percentage error of the prediction models of moisture resistance of T-shirt and outerwear fabric is 2.22% and 4.85% respectively, and the mean absolute percentage error of double-layer fabrics combination moisture resistance model is 3.20%.

Key words: wind speed, sportswear, knit fabric, moisture resistance, prediction model of moisture resistance

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.6


Fabric specification parameters"

组织 成分 线密度/
密度/(线圈·(5 cm)-1) 面密度/
横向 纵向
1# 汗布 纬平针 100%棉 18.22 70 100 156.67 0.54
2# 汗布 纬平针 100%棉 14.58 84 98 157.33 0.52
3# 棉毛布 双罗纹 100%棉 14.58 84 87 199.33 0.68
4# 弹力罗纹布 1+1罗纹 95%棉、5%氨纶 18.29 57 55 237.33 0.85
5# 汗布 纬平针 95%粘胶、5%氨纶 14.58 85 131 189.33 0.46
6# 珠地网眼布 集圈 100%涤纶 8.33 84 121 127.33 0.49
7# 珠地网眼布 集圈 100%涤纶 8.33 75 91 149.33 0.61
8# 珠地网眼布 集圈 94%涤纶、6%氨纶 8.33 76 65 151.33 0.60
9# 四面弹力布 纬平针 70%粘胶、26%涤纶、4%氨纶 15.39 77 114 286.67 0.80
10# 弹力汗布 纬平针 55%棉、40%涤纶、5%氨纶 17.62 79 107 201.00 0.66
11# 畦编布 畦编 100%涤纶 8.33 92 91 141.33 0.55
12# 半畦编布 半畦编 100%涤纶 8.33 90 96 135.67 0.46
13# 弹力罗纹布 2+2罗纹 96%棉、4%氨纶 27.44 55 66 318.33 1.17
14# 绒布 经编起绒 100%涤纶 16.67 89 94 289.00 0.89
15# 卫衣布 衬垫 95%棉、5%氨纶 18.45 71 88 253.67 0.68
16# 棉毛布 双罗纹 94%涤纶、6%氨纶 16.67 86 139 207.67 0.58
17# 四面弹绒布 长毛绒 90%涤纶、10%氨纶 18.45 67 85 221.67 1.32
18# 卫衣布 衬垫 55%棉、45%涤纶 23.12 78 91 234.67 0.87
19# 弹力罗纹布 2+2罗纹 52%棉、42%涤纶、6%氨纶 17.49 60 82 240.33 1.00
20# 弹力罗马布 双罗纹 65%粘胶、30%锦纶、5%氨纶 11.71 91 144 260.67 0.62


Fabric performance parameters"

织物芯吸高度/cm 干燥速度/
纵向 横向
1# 0.07 0.05 0.10 542.049 1 155.67
2# 0.03 0.03 0.08 519.117 1 080.00
3# 0.10 0.10 0.04 515.901 523.00
4# 4.23 3.93 0.05 533.451 560.33
5# 9.23 8.80 0.06 553.592 723.33
6# 11.43 13.17 0.16 594.582 1 922.00
7# 5.13 4.92 0.11 556.537 1 267.33
8# 14.80 9.23 0.25 551.943 1 959.33
9# 1.23 1.43 0.02 467.609 309.03
10# 12.40 12.47 0.07 577.856 423.57
11# 19.17 17.73 0.25 569.376 1 516.33
12# 15.67 13.13 0.25 564.547 2 055.00
13# 1.33 0.42 0.05 505.065 418.70
14# 0.87 4.47 0.05 506.007 393.33
15# 0.10 0.13 0.10 537.574 887.33
16# 12.17 12.43 0.12 516.748 1 127.47
17# 1.03 1.53 0.09 489.282 567.00
18# 0.05 0.05 0.05 437.008 546.67
19# 0.07 0.05 0.10 499.435 657.67
20# 10.28 11.23 0.09 500.177 873.70


Self-made net frame"


Three-dimensional relationship between moisture resistance and wind speed, standard moisture resistance of T-shirt fabric (a) and outwear fabric (b) under 4 kinds of wind speed"


Fitting results of T-shirt and outerwear fabrics with different order polynomials"

面料 阶数 RMSE MAE R2 MAPE/%
T恤 一阶 4.418 3 4.146 2 0.736 6 35.430 0
二阶 1.822 4 1.621 3 0.955 2 15.370 0
三阶 0.306 0 0.253 6 0.998 7 2.220 0
四阶 0.249 7 0.183 7 0.999 2 1.510 0
外套 一阶 4.491 0 4.146 3 0.723 8 31.553 2
二阶 2.007 1 1.728 0 0.944 8 14.751 9
三阶 0.717 4 0.574 8 0.993 0 4.850 0
四阶 0.717 2 0.565 2 0.993 0 4.748 2


Clustering results of T-shirt fabrics (a) and outwear fabrics (b)"


Effect of wind speed on moisture resistance of double-layers sportswear fabric combination"

试样编号 织物组合 不同风速下湿阻/(m2·Pa·W-1)
0.1 m/s 0.5 m/s 1.0 m/s 1.5 m/s
Z1 A1B1 46.497 27.956 25.350 22.743
Z2 A1B2 44.477 27.036 22.781 19.258
Z3 A1B3 45.938 27.764 24.241 21.818
Z4 A2B1 44.468 27.026 24.053 21.630
Z5 A2B2 43.181 26.289 22.583 20.343
Z6 A2B3 44.642 27.566 23.128 20.338
Z7 A3B1 42.848 24.674 22.067 19.827
Z8 A3B2 40.829 23.204 20.048 17.258
Z9 A3B3 41.373 23.199 21.691 18.718


Comparison between predicted and output values"

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