Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (03): 169-174.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200704006

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Suppression of high frequency noise of tufted carpet loom based on statistical energy analysis

ZHANG Ziyu, XU Yang(), SHENG Xiaowei, XIE Guosheng   

  1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2020-07-06 Revised:2020-12-04 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-03-17
  • Contact: XU Yang


In order to effectively suppress the high frequency noise of tufted carpet loom, a statistical energy analysis (SEA) was proposed, where a melamine porous sound absorption material was used to suppress high frequency noise. In this research, the SEA model of high frequency noise of tufted carpet loom with 13 structural subsystems and 10 acoustic cavities was established, and then the modal density, internal loss factor and coupling loss factor of each subsystem were determined by using a theoretical calculation method. The vibration acceleration signal of tufted carpet loom was measured to obtain the high frequency noise sound pressure level of SEA model. The validity of SEA model was verified by comparing with the actual sound pressure level of tufted carpet loom, before the surface of tufted carpet loom was adhered with different thickness of melamine porous sound absorbing foam board to achieve noise reduction. The result shows that the method can meet the engineering requirements for high frequency noise suppression, and the noise frequency and the thickness of the melamine porous sound-absorbing material have influence on the results.

Key words: tufted carpet loom, noise suppression, statistical energy analysis, passive noise reduction, porous sound-absorbing material

CLC Number: 

  • TS103.1


Schematic diagram of energy transfer between subsystems"


Flow chart of noise suppression"


SEA model of tufted carpet loom. (a) Structural SEA model; (b) Acoustic cavity SEA model"


Modal density of plate structure subsystem"

编号 子系统 结构性质 简化结构 模态密度/Hz-1
1 顶板 方形平板 平板 0.002 33
2 底板1 方形平板 平板 0.000 41
3 底板2 方形平板 平板 0.000 81
4 内侧板1 方形平板 平板 0.001 12
5 内侧板2 方形平板 平板 0.001 12
6 左侧板 方形平板 平板 0.002 46
7 右侧板 方形平板 平板 0.002 46
8 正面板1 不规则形状板 平板 0.002 41
9 正面板2 不规则形状板 平板 0.000 23
10 正面板3 不规则形状板 平板 0.000 32
11 背面板1 不规则形状板 平板 0.002 71
12 背面板2 不规则形状板 平板 0.000 27
13 背面板3 不规则形状板 平板 0.000 11


Loss factor in board subsystem of tufted carpet loom"


Coupling loss factor in board subsystem of tufted carpet loom"


Test site of tufted carpet loom"


Vibration acceleration excitation spectrum"


Comparison of sound field experiment and simulation results in working area of workers"


Noise reduction experiment platform"


Noise suppression of tufted carpet loom"

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