Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 180-187.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200907708

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Research progress in braided cordage made from high-performance fibers for spacecraft applications

DING Xu1,2, SUN Ying1,2(), LUO Min3, WANG Xingze3, CHEN Li1,2, CHEN Guangwei1,2   

  1. 1. School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composites, Ministry of Education, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    3. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2020-09-29 Revised:2021-08-23 Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-29
  • Contact: SUN Ying


According to the application requirements of braided cordages mode from high-performance fibers in the lightweight scenes of spacecraft structures, such as space tether, truss mesh deployable antenna, thermal knife holding and releasing device. The performance of high-performance organic fibers used in the aerospace industry, braided structures and applications of cordage in spacecraft structures were reviewed. The main problems existing in the application of braided cordages in spacecraft structures were analyzed and the creep and stress relaxation properties of braided cordages are the key factors affecting the structural stability of spacecraft during long-term service. Then, the effects of materials, environmental conditions, and load levels on the creep and stress relaxation behavior of braided cordages were introduced. Finally, some problems existed in the current researches were pointed out, and the future research directions were proposed in view of these problems. It is expected that this work would provide a reference for the development of high-performance, high-stability, adjustable and controllable braided cordages for aerospace applications.

Key words: spacecraft, thermal knife holding and releasing device, braided cordage, creep, stress relaxation

CLC Number: 

  • TS106.5


Properties of high performance fibers"

纤维及牌号 生产商 密度/
芳纶(Kevlar®49) 美国DuPont公司 1.44 208 4 900 149~177 560 3.5
芳纶(泰普龙®529S) 烟台泰和新材料
1.44 216 6 255 113~134 >500 3.5
聚芳酯(Vectran®HT 560) 日本Kuraray公司 1.40 229 5 300 < 100 330 < 0.1 [18]
(Dyneema®SK 78)
荷兰DSM集团 0.97 370 11 900 < 70 150 < 1.0 [19]
0.97 360 12 500 < 0.1 [20]
聚酰亚胺(P84) 德国Evonik公司 1.41 38 1 455 250 315 < 1.0 [21]
聚酰亚胺(S35) 江苏先诺新材料
1.44 236 6 250 < 350 320 < 1.0 [22]


Motion path of braid yarns and structures of braided cordage.(a) Hollow-braid cordage; (b) Braid tape"


Space tether missions"

任务名称 年份 纤维材料 系绳长
TSS-1[30,31] 1992 Nomex®、Kevlar®、铜线 20 2.54
SEDS-1[32] 1993 Spectra® 20 0.78
SEDS-2[33] 1994 Spectra® 20 0.78
TiPS[34] 1996 Spectra®、丙烯酸 4 2
ProSEDS[35,36] 2003 Dyneema®、Kevlar®、铝线 15 0.8~1.6
STARS-II[37] 2014 Kevlar®、铝线 0.35
STARS-C[38] 2016 Kevlar® 0.1 0.4
STARS-Me[38] 2018 Kevlar® 2 < 1


Deformation of cable net antenna"


Thermal knife holding and release device"

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