Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (09): 90-96.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201006207

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and numerical simulation of colored fabric with amorphous photonic crystal structures

ZHU Xiaowei, WEI Tianchen, XING Tieling(), CHEN Guoqiang   

  1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
  • Received:2020-10-26 Revised:2021-06-04 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-27
  • Contact: XING Tieling


In order to study the structure of amorphous photonic crystal and achieve effective control over structural color, polystyrene/polydopamine (PS/PDA) microspheres with shell-core structure prepared by rapid oxidation were used to construct 3-D structure on cotton fabrics, and Rsoft software was used to establish a numerical model to calculate its optical properties. The influence of particle size and incident angle of crystal microsphere on the reflectivity of photonic crystal was investigated, and the chromaticity coordinate was obtained by CIE standard chromaticity system. The results show that the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. The structures of PS/PDA nanospheres with particle sizes of 195, 222, 267 and 287 nm correspond to blue, green, yellow-green and red colors respectively, and the structural color will not change with the different incident angle. By numerical simulation, the size of the nanoparticles can be controlled and the photonic pseudo band gap of the amorphous photonic crystal can be adjusted effectively.

Key words: structural color, structural colored fabric, polystyrene/polydopamine microspheres, amorphous photonic crystal, random close-packed structure, total reflection spectrum

CLC Number: 

  • TS193


Microscope images of amorphous photonic crystal fabricated by PS/PDA with different diameters on cotton fabrics"


TEM image of PS NPs(a) and PS/PDA NPs(b)"


SEM image of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystal with a diameter of 195 nm"


PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystal model with a diameter of 195 nm"


Results of reflectance spectra of amorphous photonic crystals with different diameters"


Simulation (a) and measurement (b) results of reflection spectra of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystalsat(particles size is 195 nm) different incident angles"


Simulation(a) and measurement (b) results of reflection spectra of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystals(particles size is 222 nm) at different incident angles"


Simulation (a) and measurement (b) results of reflection spectra of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystals (particles size is 267 nm) at different incident angles"


Simulation and measurement results of reflection spectra of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystals(particles size is 287 nm) at different incident angles"


Tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates of PS/PDA amorphous photonic crystals with different particle sizes at different viewing angles"

样品编号 粒径/nm 入射角度/(°) X Y Z x y
1 195 5 5.656 5.425 26.202 0.152 0.146
2 10 5.677 5.091 26.377 0.153 0.137
3 15 5.680 4.569 26.551 0.154 0.124
4 20 5.659 3.914 26.623 0.156 0.108
5 25 5.577 3.223 26.296 0.159 0.092
6 30 5.319 2.551 25.114 0.161 0.077
7 222 5 3.840 6.367 6.984 0.223 0.370
8 10 3.707 6.031 6.932 0.222 0.362
9 15 3.489 5.510 6.874 0.220 0.347
10 20 3.235 4.854 6.798 0.217 0.326
11 25 2.952 4.131 6.659 0.215 0.301
12 30 2.632 3.389 6.477 0.211 0.271
13 267 5 7.025 7.294 4.944 0.365 0.379
14 10 6.761 7.131 4.811 0.361 0.381
15 15 6.338 6.867 4.592 0.356 0.386
16 20 5.742 6.472 4.290 0.348 0.392
17 25 5.027 5.924 3.913 0.338 0.399
18 30 4.225 5.267 3.349 0.329 0.410
19 287 5 6.601 5.740 5.562 0.369 0.321
20 10 6.460 5.634 5.376 0.370 0.323
21 15 6.237 5.466 5.062 0.372 0.326
22 20 5.898 5.212 4.616 0.375 0.331
23 25 5.398 4.821 4.050 0.378 0.338
24 30 4.799 4.311 3.391 0.384 0.345


CIE chromaticity diagram of different coloramorphous photonic crystals"

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