Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (09): 144-149.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201200406

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

3-D virtual try-on technique based on dynamic feature of body postures

LI Bowen, WANG Ping(), LIU Yuye   

  1. College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2020-12-02 Revised:2021-05-26 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-27
  • Contact: WANG Ping


Aiming at the dynamic perception of personalized postures and the tracking and matching of human body's posture by clothing modeling, this paper established the hierarchical 3-D clothing skeleton points model based on two types of the motion features of the human postures, distinguishing the trunk (global) from the limbs (local), and integrating the clothing model with the body circumferencial features extracted using Kinect camera. In parallel, the global-local singular value decomposition algorithm (GL-SVD) was designed to hierarchically control the deformation of 3-D clothing skeleton model cooperatively. The results from virtual try-on test system show that relative tracking error of the new method is reduced by about 10%, the real-time tracking accuracy and matching precision between the clothing model and the human body is obviously improved. This new technique supports the complex posture (such as leg lifts, lunges) trying-on scenarios of various clothing types such as skirts, pants, tops, and more.

Key words: 3-D virtual try-on, dynamic features of human body, cooperative tracking, hierarchical model of clothing skeleton points, global-local singular value decomposition

CLC Number: 

  • TS942.8


Kinect human skeleton point model"


Clothing skeleton point model"


Personalized human circumference feature"

性别 胸围/cm 腰围/cm 臀围/cm 大腿围/cm
93 84 88 34
86 72 85 28


Cooperative tracking based on GL-SVD"


Sketch map of projection imaging"


Quaternion rotation diagram"


Schematic design of virtual try-on system"


Testing scenarios for virtual try-on"

场景编号 图序 视角 姿态 服装类型
1 图7(b) 正面 侧抬腿 抹胸裙
2 图7(c) 正面 前抬腿 抹胸裙
3 图8(b) 正面 左右弓步 七分裤
4 图8(c) 正面 前后弓步 七分裤
5 图9(b) 正面 T字型 短袖上衣
6 图9(c) 侧面 站立 短袖上衣


Try-on effect of leg raising posture. (a)3-D Bra skirt; (b)Side leg lift; (c)Front leg lift"


Try-on effect of lunge posture. (a)3-D cropped trousers (b)Left-right lunges; (c)Forward-backward lunges"


Try-on effect of top posture. (a)3-D short sleeve; (b) T-pose; (c)Side"


Avatar try-on effect of other papers. (a)Side leg lift; (b) T-pose"


Tracking accuracy and computing time"


Performance comparison on tracking accuracy"

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