Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (03): 116-122.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201202108

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

One-bath dyeing of polyester/cotton blended fabrics in supercritical CO2 with Reactive Disperse Yellow dye

ZHOU Tianbo1, ZHENG Huanda1, CAI Tao2, YU Zuojun1, WANG Licheng3, ZHENG Laijiu1()   

  1. 1. Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Supercritical CO2 Dyeing, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning 116034, China
    2. Shishi CTES Research Institute of Apparel and Accessories Industry, Shishi, Fujian 362700, China
    3. Dalian Suplor Information and Materials Co., Ltd., Dalian, Liaoning 116023, China
  • Received:2020-12-09 Revised:2021-09-07 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-29
  • Contact: ZHENG Laijiu


In order to solve the technical problems of energy consumption and serious water pollution in polyester/cotton blended fabric water dyeing, dyeing properties of polyester/cotton blended fabrics in the supercritical CO2 was investigated by using Reactive Disperse Yellow dye in order to expand the application range of supercritical CO2 dyeing technology. The effect of dyeing temperature, pressure, time, dosage of co-solvent and CO2 flow rate on the dyeing properties of polyester/cotton blended fabrics was analyzed. The optimized process condition was obtained to be dyeing temperature 100 ℃, pressure 20 MPa, dyeing time 80 min, CO2 flow 20 g/min and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) dosage 80%. Reactive Disperse Yellow dye could significantly improve color depth and color fastness of polyester/cotton fabrics in comparison with natural dyes. Compared with "ethanol+N-methylpyrrolidone(NMP)" pretreatment, the K/S value of DMSO treatment was increased by more than two times, and the color fastness reached grade 4-5, presenting excellent dyeing effect.

Key words: supercritical CO2, one-bath dyeing, dyeing property, Reactive Disperse Yellow dye, polyester/cotton blended fabrics, pretreatment

CLC Number: 

  • TS193.634


Chemical structure of Reactive Disperse Yellow dye"


Supercritical CO2 fluid dyeing apparatus"


Dyeing process of polyester/cotton fabric"


Effect of pressure on K/S value of polyester/cotton blended fabric"


Effect of temperature on K/S value of polyester/cotton fabric"


Effect of dyeing time on K/S value of polyester/cotton fabric"


Effect of DMSO dosage on K/S value of polyester/cotton fabric"


K/S value comparison of polyester/cotton blended fabric"

染色温度/℃ 染料种类 助剂种类 K/S
100 活性分散黄 0.90
DMSO 4.80
活性分散蓝[32] 0.83
乙醇+NMP 1.325
110 活性分散黄 1.22
DMSO 5.04
活性分散蓝[32] 1.15
乙醇+NMP 1.89
120 活性分散黄 1.68
DMSO 5.12
活性分散蓝[32] 1.72
乙醇+NMP 2.80


Effect of CO2 flow on K/S value of polyester/cotton fabric"


Images of dyed fabrics before and after stripping"


Leveling property of polyester/cotton blended fabric with different dyeing temperature"

染色温度/℃ 样品点个数 K/S¯ Sλ ΔE
80 8 3.72 0.052 0.412
90 8 4.58 0.082 0.513
100 8 5.12 0.140 0.620
110 8 4.95 0.190 0.911
120 8 5.11 0.039 0.382


Color fastness of dyed polyester/cotton blended fabric with different dyeing temperature"

数据来源 耐摩擦色牢度/级 耐水洗色牢度/级
湿 棉沾色 涤沾色 褪色
80 本文 4~5 4 4 4 4
90 本文 4~5 4 4 4 4
100 本文 4~5 4 4 4~5 4
110 本文 4~5 4~5 4 4 4~5
120 本文 4~5 4 4~5 4~5 4~5
文献[8] 3~4 3 3 3 3~4
文献[25] 4~5 4 4 4 4
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