Journal of Textile Research ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (09): 76-82.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210101907

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimal configuration of embedded position and number of carbon nanotube yarns in 3-D braided composites

WAN Zhenkai1(), JIA Minrui2, BAO Weichen2   

  1. 1. Engineering Teaching Center, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2021-01-11 Revised:2021-03-17 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-27


In order to facilitate comprehensive monitoring of the internal damage of aerospace structures, the optimal configuration of 3-D intelligent braided composites embedded with carbon nanotube(CNT)yarns as sensors with multiple targets and discontinuous objective function was studied by using the non-dominant neighborhood immune multi-target optimization algorithm. In this paper, the optimal insertion location and quantity of CNT yarn sensors were analyzed based on the three-dimension-four-step-six-direction braiding process. The optimal allocation problem of CNT yarn sensor was solved by using the non-dominant neighborhood immune multi-objective optimization algorithm, and the optimal number and location of different specimen embedded sensors in the 3-D intelligent braided composite were derived. The stress experiment and data analysis on the damaged specimens prove that the principle of optimal configuration of CNT yarn sensor can be applied for damage monitoring of 3-D braided composite materials with the positioning error less than 0.6 mm. This study lays a foundation for the establishment of intelligent composite damage source identification model.

Key words: carbon nanotube yarn, nondominated neighborhood imnaune algorithm, optimal allocation of sensors, damage location source, 3-D braided composite

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.2


Schematic diagram of three-dimensional braiding machine"


Four-step yarn carriers movement process. (a)Initial position of yarn carriers;(b) Step 1;(c) Step 2; (d) Step 3;(e) Step 4"


Schematic diagram of filling insertion prefabrication"


Structure diagram of 3-D braided composites perform embedded in CNT yarns"


Optimal configuration results of CNT yarns embedded in specimens of different sizes"

试件尺寸 传感网络总覆盖率/% 轴向传感器数量 纬向传感器数量 轴向传感器位置 纬向传感器位置
6 cm×1 cm 69.5 2 4 {1,7} {1,5,8,11}
6 cm×1 cm 62.9 2 5 {1,7} {1,3,7,10,12}
6 cm×1 cm 70.1 3 4 {1,4,7} {1,3,7,10,12}
6 cm×2 cm 77.8 4 4 {2,8,14,19} {1,5,8,11}
6 cm×2 cm 79.5 5 4 {1,5,10,15,19} {1,5,8,11}
8 cm×1 cm 74.6 2 6 {1,7} {1,4,7,10,13,16}
8 cm×1 cm 70.4 2 5 {1,7} {1,5,8,13,16}
8 cm×1 cm 71.2 3 5 {1,4,7} {1,5,8,13,16}
10 cm×10 cm 90.4 20 7 {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19} {1,4,7,10,13,16,19}
20 cm×20 cm 91.8 40 13 {1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,


Number of CNT yarns embedded in composite specimens of different sizes"


Damage specimens of 3-D braided composite embedded in CNT yarns"


Comparison table between detection and actual damage coordinate position"

损伤编号 损伤计算坐标 损伤实际坐标 坐标最大偏差/mm
A (-3.0,2.4) (-2.3,2.5) 0.5
B (-2.3,18.4) (-2.1,18.2) 0.08
C (-3.2,1.5) (-3.4,1.1) 0.2
D (-4.6,13.1) (-4.9,12.8) 0.58
E (-2.6,-3.8) (-2.5,-3.5) 0.1
F (-4.1,-7.8) (-4.3,-7.5) 0.13
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