Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (03): 123-131.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210105609

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and performance of composite coated polyester harness cord with high wearability

XIE Kaifang1,2, LUO Fengxiang1,2, BAO Xinjun1,2(), ZHOU Hengshu1,2, XU Guangbiao3   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Fashion, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan, Hunan 411104, China
    2. Engineering Technology Research Center of New Fiber Fabric and Processing, Hunan Institute of Engineering,Xiangtan, Hunan 411104, China
    3. College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2021-01-22 Revised:2021-12-31 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-29
  • Contact: BAO Xinjun


In order to explore and optimize the coating process of harness cord and develop harness cord for improved wearability, partially alcoholyzed polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), water-based polyurethane (PU) and epoxy resin (EP) were used as film formers, and two methods were used to coat the braided polyester (PET) harness cord. One-step method used PVA for direct coating, and two-step method used PU/PVA or EP/PVA for composite coating. After drying and heat setting, the apparent morphology, chemical structure, bending properties, tensile properties and wearability of coated harness cord were measured and analyzed to evaluate the effect of PU or EP pretreatment on the mechanical properties of PVA coated harness cord. The results show that both PU and EP can reduce the cracks between PVA coating and PET harness cord. By introducing polar groups on the surface of PET harness cord, the interface performance between the PVA coating and the PET fibers is improved. PU/PVA coated harness cord has better comprehensive properties than that of EP/PVA coated harness cord. The 1.5% PU/PVA coated harness cord demonstrates the best wearability, with an increase of 135.7% compared with PVA coated harness cord.

Key words: polyester harness cord, composite coating, polyvinyl alcohol, polyurethane, epoxy resin, wearability, jacquard loom

CLC Number: 

  • TS103.6


Basic properties of polyester filament"

试样 线密度/
单丝 3.90 8.62 22.28 55.54 1.03
长丝 270.21 7.80 17.70 62.50 0.70


Structural parameters and basic properties of braided harness cord"

编织数/股 直径/mm 编织节距/mm 芯层纤维根数 断裂强力/N 断裂伸长率/% 弯曲刚度/
16(外)+4(芯) 0.90 3.80 288 258.55 33.32 0.48 0.97 125 876


Chemical agents for coating experiment of harness cord"

试剂 性状 pH值 固含量/% 其他 生产厂家
PU(PC65-25) 棕黄色液体 65.0 上海西达国际化工有限公司
EP(618EP) 无色透明液体 55.0 江阴双雄新材料有限公司
PVA(1788) 固体粉末 5.0~7.0 90.0 玻璃化转变温度85.0 ℃ 上海西达国际化工有限公司
CMC(化学纯) 白色纤维状粉末 6.0~8.5 黏度800.0~1 200.0 mPa·s 中国医药集团有限公司
DAHC(分析纯) 白色结晶粉末 4.0~5.5 99.0 相对分子质量226.2 中国医药集团有限公司
TiO2(T104946) 固体粉末 99.8 相对分子质量79.9 上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司
渗透剂(8601) 浅黄色透明液体 7.5~8.5 浊点大于75.0 ℃ 江苏省海安石油化工厂


Coating process of harness cord"


Formula of PVA coating harness cord"

质量分数/% 浆料黏度/
PVA1788 CMC DAHC 渗透剂
6.00 0.40 0.08 0.20 2.00 91.32 340.47


Test specimen (a) and schematic diagram of dynamic contact angle (b)"


Specimen for bending properties of harness cord"


Schematic diagram of wearability test for harness cord"


Apparent morphology of uncoated harness cord and coated harness cords with PVA, PU/PVA and EP/PVA"


Cross section of coated harness cords with PVA, PU/PVA and EP/PVA (×1 200)"


Infrared spectra of uncoated harness cord and coated harness cords with 1.5% PU, PVA and 1.5% PU/PVA"


Infrared spectra of uncoated harness cord and coated harness cords with 1.5% EP, PVA and 1.5% EP/PVA"


Bending properties of coated harness cord with PVA, PU/PVA and EP/PVA. (a) Bending rigidity; (b) Bending hysteresis moment"


Tensile properties of coated harness cord with PVA, PU/PVA and EP/PVA. (a) Breaking strength; (b) Elongation at break"


Wearability of coated harness cord with PVA, PU/PVA and EP/PVA"


Intermolecular interaction between PU, EP and PVA"

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