Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10): 200-208.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210401609

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Review in functional textiles for personal thermal and moisture comfort management

CHENG Ningbo1,2,3, MIAO Dongyang2, WANG Xianfeng2, WANG Zhaohui1,3(), DING Bin2, YU Jianyong2   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    3. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2021-04-07 Revised:2022-07-10 Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-10-28
  • Contact: WANG Zhaohui


With the aim of achieving improved individual comfort and reduce energy consumption in providing cooling and heating, textiles regulating heat and moisture exchange between human body and its surroundings are a promising solution. This paper reviews the researches on functional textiles for heat and moisture management. The review started with the introduction of personal heat and moisture comfort management mechanisms, followed by summarizing six common advanced functional textiles that can be used for personal heat and moisture management, these being the radiative thermoregulation textiles, phase change thermoregulation textiles, smart response textiles, thermal conductive textiles, thermoregulation textiles for energy conversion, and moisture management textiles. The research progress in functional textiles was summarized on the basis of different heat and moisture management mechanisms and their potential applications in several fields, taking that fabric regulation of microclimate between body and ambient heat and moisture balance is the key to individual comfort. The review pointed out that the current advanced functional textiles for heat and moisture management still have problems such as difficulties in scale preparation, functional singleness, lack of intelligence and absence of systemic heat and moisture comfort evaluation, and it is foreseen that advanced textiles for personal heat management, energy harvesting technology and integration of flexible electronic devices are the future development trend of smart clothing.

Key words: personal thermal comfort, radiative thermoregulation textile, phase change thermoregulation textile, smart response textile, thermal conductive textile, thermoregulation textiles for energy conversion, moisture management textile

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.15


Human thermoregulation and heat transfer mechanism"


Mechanisms of thermal radiation regulation of clothing"


Radiative cooling materials"

降温材料 制备方法 太阳光反射
降温温度/℃ 文献
纳米多孔PE 纺丝-复合 96 2~2.7 [31-32]
纳米多孔PE+ ZnO 纺丝-涂层 > 90 > 80 5~13 [33]
PA+SiO2 纺丝 > 85 0.4~1.7 [34]
UHMWPE/聚酯 纺丝-复合 82.8 0.5~0.7 [35]
PA6+PE 纺丝-复合 73.61 90.80 0.2 [36]
PVDF+TEOS+ SiO2 纺丝-浸渍 97 > 0.96 6 [37]
Al2O3/醋酸纤维素 涂层-复合 80.1 > 0.9 2.3~8 [38]
PDMS+Al2O3 微冲压法 约95 > 0.96 5.1 [39]


Stimuli-responsive smart fabrics for thermal and moisture management"

织物 响应机制 文献
红外辐射“门控效应”的智能织物 湿度诱导纱线间距变化,改变织物辐射率,从而增强热交换 [49]
新型乳胶织物 温度诱导微生物细胞尺寸变化,织物弯曲改变,打开/关闭通风口,实现温湿度智能调控 [50]
智能Janus织物 温度诱导织物亲疏水变化,从而孔隙大小改变,实现温湿度调控 [51]
水驱动形状记忆羊毛织物 湿度诱导纱线长度和直径变化,使得织物线圈变化,提高热湿舒适性 [52]
湿敏智能调温织物 湿度诱导织物发生可逆弯曲,实现智能温湿度调控 [53]
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