Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 186-192.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210402907

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Typical model for recycling of used clothes and analysis of environmental impact

JIANG Tao1(), ZHOU Li1, WANG Lin2, CHENG Weizhao3, ZHOU Anzhan1   

  1. 1. Environment and Green Development Center, The Fifth Electronics Research Institute of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R. of China, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510610, China
    2. China National Textile and Apparel Council, Beijing 100020, China
    3. Brock University, Niagara Region L2S 3A1, Canada
  • Received:2021-04-12 Revised:2021-09-30 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-28


In order to promote the recycling of domestic used clothing and quantify its environmental impact, this study introduces and analyzes a typical model for used clothing recycling and resource reutilization led by brand companies, employing the life cycle assessment method. By delineating the system boundary, a calculation method for the environmental impact was constructed, and the environmental impact was calculated through data collection and quantitative analysis. Studies have shown that the recycling of used clothing has obvious impact on environment. Brand companies have an active role in driving and promoting the recycling and utilization of waste clothing. While extending the life cycle of fiber resources, it can also promote the development of green design of industrial products. In addition, the calculation method proposed in this study can not only provide guidance for evaluating the environmental impact of the recycling process of used clothing, but also provide a reference for the environmental behavior evaluation of multi-life cycle products in the process of comprehensive utilization of fiber resources.

Key words: used clothing recycling, resource utilization, recycling mode, environmental impact, brand company

CLC Number: 

  • X791


Model diagram of waste clothing recycling and resource utilization guided by brand enterprises"


Schematic diagram of typical waste clothing recycling and resource utilization model"


Conceptual diagram of environmental performance calculation and analysis of typical waste clothing recycling and resource utilization model"


Schematic diagram of boundary of environmental performance calculation and analysis system produced in recycling process of waste clothes"


Schematic diagram of boundary of environmental performance calculation and analysis system for recycled pallet production"


Schematic diagram of the boundary of environmental performance calculation and analysis system for recycled down processing"


Environmental impact type indicators and inventory factors"

环境影响类型 简写 单位 主要清单因子
ADPF MJ 硬煤,原油,天然气
全球变暖 GWP kgCO2eq CO2,CH4,N2O
光化学臭氧合成 POCP kgC2H4eq C2H4、NOx、非甲烷总烃
酸化 AP kgSO2eq N、S、P等酸性气体
富营养化 EP kg PO43-eq NO3-、总N、总P、 PO43-


Characterization results of environmental impact of waste clothing disposal"

处置方式 ADPF/
kg PO43-eq
填埋处置 0.12 1.01 2.17×10-4 1.38×10-4 2.85×10-5
焚烧处置 0.21 0.16 6.37×10-6 2.19×10-4 4.07×10-5
合计 0.33 1.17 2.24×10-4 3.57×10-4 6.92×10-5


Environmental impact characterization results of recycled pallets and virgin plastic pallets"

影响类别 ADPF/
kg PO43-eq
再生托盘 163 11.8 2.57×10-3 0.041 9.17×10-3
630 21.5 5.37×10-3 0.073 8.43×10-3
对比结果 467 9.7 2.80×10-3 0.032 -7.40×10-4


Comparison of environmental impacts of recycled pallets and virgin plastic pallets in main life cycle stages"

生命周期 产品 负荷对比 合计
原材料的获取和生产 再生托盘 7.47×10-15 2.20×10-15 1.25×10-15 3.67×10-16 3.18×10-16 1.16×10-14
原生托盘 7.03×10-13 1.31×10-13 1.12×10-14 1.83×10-14 4.52×10-15 8.68×10-13
原材料运输 再生托盘 1.57×10-13 6.55×10-14 3.70×10-15 8.83×10-15 5.01×10-15 2.40×10-13
原生托盘 1.66×10-14 6.79×10-15 3.69×10-16 9.23×10-16 5.04×10-16 2.52×10-14
产品的生产 再生托盘 2.54×10-14 1.41×10-14 9.47×10-16 2.96×10-15 1.12×10-15 4.45×10-14
原生托盘 1.51×10-14 1.11×10-14 7.12×10-16 2.36×10-15 9.05×10-16 3.03×10-14
总体环境影响负荷 再生托盘 1.90×10-13 8.18×10-14 5.90×10-15 1.22×10-14 6.45×10-15 2.96×10-13
原生托盘 7.35×10-13 1.49×10-13 1.23×10-14 2.16×10-14 5.93×10-15 9.23×10-13


Environmental impact of recycled down and original down"

产品 ADPF/
kg PO43-eq
再生羽绒 10.6 0.93 1.68×10-4 3.33×10-3 6.28×10-4
原生羽绒 1150 179 0.025 0.54 0.35
对比结果 1139.4 178.07 0.025 0.54 0.35


Comparison of environmental impact of recycled down and original down in the main life cycle stages"

生命周期 产品 负荷对比 合计
原材料的获取和生产 再生羽绒 8.00×10-17 1.28×10-16 2.49×10-17 1.41×10-17 3.54×10-17 2.82×10-16
原生羽绒 1.32×10-12 1.23×10-12 5.74×10-14 1.59×10-13 2.48×10-13 3.02×10-12
原材料运输 再生羽绒 1.16×10-15 4.85×10-16 2.74×10-17 6.53×10-17 3.71×10-17 1.78×10-15
原生羽绒 4.61×10-15 1.92×10-15 1.08×10-16 2.59×10-16 1.47×10-16 7.04×10-15
产品的生产 再生羽绒 1.11×10-14 5.81×10-15 3.34×10-16 9.10×10-16 3.70×10-16 1.85×10-14
原生羽绒 1.21×10-14 7.94×10-15 4.83×10-16 1.06×10-15 4.40×10-16 2.20×10-14
总体环境影响负荷 再生羽绒 1.24×10-14 6.42×10-15 3.86×10-16 9.89×10-16 4.42×10-16 2.06×10-14
原生羽绒 1.34×10-12 1.24×10-12 5.79×10-14 1.60×10-13 2.49×10-13 3.05×10-12


Overall environmental benefits of typical models of waste clothing recycling and resource utilization"

典型模式 ADPF/MJ GWP/kgCO2eq POCP/kgC2H4eq AP/kgSO2eq EP/kg PO43-eq
回收1 kg废旧衣物环境效益 0.33 1.17 2.24×10-4 3.57×10-4 6.92×10-5
1 kg废旧衣物资源
(0.966 kg非羽绒类) 34.7 0.72 2.08×10-4 2.36×10-3 -5.50×10-5
(0.034 kg羽绒类) 4.59 0.72 1.01×10-4 2.15×10-3 1.42×10-3
合计 39.62 2.61 5.33×10-4 4.87×10-3 1.43×10-3
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