Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (05): 77-85.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210504109

• Fiber Materials • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation of MnOx/carbon nanofiber membrane free-standing cathodes for zinc ion battery based on electrochemical deposition and their electrochemical characteristics

YANG Ke1, YAN Jun1, XIAO Yong2, XU Jing3, CHEN Lei1(), LIU Yong1   

  1. 1. School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Institute of Nonmetallic Materials of Shandong, Ji'nan, Shandong 250031, China
    3. Technical Service Center of Quanzhou Customs, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China
  • Received:2021-05-17 Revised:2022-01-05 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-30
  • Contact: CHEN Lei


To develop cathode materials for rechargeable zinc ion batteries (ZIBs) with excellent performance and a simple preparation process, electrospun nanofiber membranes were used as precursors to prepare carbon nanofiber films (CNFs) by pre-oxidation and high-temperature carbonization. MnOx/CNFs composites with the skin-core structure were prepared by using electrochemical deposition method with CNFs as substrate. The effects of electrochemical deposition time on the surface morphology, specific surface area, cyclic charge-discharge stability, and rate performance of MnOx/CNFs composites were discussed. The results show that the electrochemical deposition method promotes a good interfacial bonding between the loaded active material and the CNFs substrate and improves the ion and electron transport capacity at the interface. The specific capacity can reach 647.9 mA·h/g after the activation at the current density of 0.1 A/g. In addition, the ZIBs with MnOx/CNFs cathode via depositing MnOx for 2 h show the specific capacity of 221.8 mA·h/g after 500 cycles under the current density of 0.5 A/g. After cycling of charging and discharging at the current density of 2 A/g, 94% of the initial capacity can still be restored at the current density of 0.1 A/g, which represent excellent performance of MnOx/CNFs cathode.

Key words: carbon nanofiber membrane, electrochemical deposition, electrostatic spinning, free-standing material, zinc ion battery

CLC Number: 

  • TS179


Schematic diagram of preparation process(a)and evolution diagram of sample morphology corresponding to each step(b)of MnOx/CNFs nanofiber film"


SEM and TEM images of surface and section of CNFs, MnOx/CNFs-1,MnOx/CNFs-2 and MnOx/CNFs-3. (a) Surface of CNFs; (b) Surface of MnOx/CNFs-1; (c) Surface of MnOx/CNFs-2; (d) Surface of MnOx/CNFs-3; (e) Section of MnOx/CNFs-2; (f) TEM section of MnOx/CNFs-2"


Mn element distribution on surface of MnOx/CNFs-2"


XPS full spectrum(a)and Mn2p spectrum (b)of MnOx/CNFs-2"


XRD patterns of CNFs and MnOx/CNFs-2 (a) and crystal structure of α-MnO2(b)"


N2 adsorption-desorption isothermal curves"


CV curves of MnOx/CNFs-2"


Second cycle charge-discharge curves of CNFs、MnOx/CNFs-1、MnOx/CNFs-2、and MnOx/CNFs-3 at 0.1 A/g current density"


Electrochemical performance of CNFs, MnOx/CNFs-1, MnOx/CNFs-2 and MnOx/CNFs-3. (a) Recycling performance at 0.1 A/g current density; (b) Rate performance of different cathode materials; (c) Long recycle performance at 0.5 A/g current density"


Comparison of the Capacity of MnOx/CNFs with some other carbon-based material"

材料 循环次数 电流密度/(A·g-1) 比容量/(mA·h·g-1) 数据来源
MnOx/碳纳米纤维 50 0.1 ~340 本文
500 0.5 ~200
β-MnO2/C 250 0.2 ~150 [11]
石墨烯 50 0.1 ~20 [16]
石墨烯 800 7 ~87.4 [17]
碳纳米角/碳纳米管 500 3 ~159.1 [19]
MnOx/N-C 600 0.5 ~240 [37]
Mn3O4/C 450 0.5 ~215 [27]
MnO2/碳纳米管 1 000 2.77 ~100 [10]
ZnMn2O4NDs/还原氧化石墨烯 100 0.2 ~207.6 [39]
碳布/MnO2 200 1.2 ~250 [32]
δ-MnO2/石墨烯 100 0.4 ~114.2 [18]
MnO2/石墨烯 10 000 2 ~190 [40]
MnO2/碳纳米管 500 5 ~100 [14]
MnO2/C 50 0.066 ~189 [30]


SEM images of MnOx/CNFs-2 before(a)and after (b) long-term recycling"

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