Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (12): 29-34.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210604006

• Fiber Materials • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and charging characteristics analysis of hydro charging polypropylene melt-blown nonwovens

WU Yanjin, WANG Jiang, WANG Hong()   

  1. Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2021-06-16 Revised:2022-09-22 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2023-01-06
  • Contact: WANG Hong


In order to study the charged characteristics of water electret melt-blown nonwovens, the hydro charging polypropylene melt-blown nonwoven material was prepared. The influence of water conductivity and drying temperature on the filtration performance of samples was investigated. Atomic force microscope, electrostatic potential tester and thermal stimulation discharge instrument were used to analyze the charging characteristics of the hydro charging melt-blown nonwovens. The synergistic effect of corona discharge and hydro charging was studied as well. The results show that the smaller the conductivity of the water used for the hydro charging, the higher the filtration efficiency of the obtained sample. The drying temperature did not affect the physical and filtration performance of obtained samples. After hydro charging, the potential charge of the melt-blown nonwovens increased significantly with random positive and negative distribution. The surface electrostatic potential is the result of overlapping of the electrostatic potential of each layer of the web. It is speculated that electron transfer and ion transfer occur due to frictions between the positive, negative or neutral water droplets and the fiber, resulting in the high static potential of melt-blown nonwovens.

Key words: hydro charging, melt-blown nonwovens, filter performance, polypropylene, charging characteristic

CLC Number: 

  • TS174.8


Schematic diagram of hydro charging process"


Filtration efficiency of meltblown nonwoven materials prepared with different water quality"

试样名称 电导率/
纯水 1.3 93.5
去离子水 15.1 87.7
Na2CO3 166.0 78.8
自来水 433.6 60.1


Physical properties of meltlbown nonwovens dyring under different temperature"

试样烘燥条件 面密度/(g·m-2) 厚度/mm 透气率/(mm·s-1)
原始 41.9 0.37 259.1
晾干 42.3 0.37 243.4
110 ℃ 42.1 0.37 242.9
130 ℃ 42.1 0.38 253.6
150 ℃ 42.1 0.37 250.2


Effect of drying conditions on filtration performance of hydro charging meltblown nonwovens"

干燥温度/℃ 过滤阻力/Pa 过滤效率/%
25 127.4 97.8
110 126.4 96.6
130 123.2 95.8
150 124.5 97.4


Surface potential distribution of single fiber"


Surface potential distribution of hydro charging meltblown nonwoven"


Potential distribution diagram of layered hydro charging meltblown nonwoven"


Filtration efficiency of meltblown nonwoven materials prepared with different electret conditions%"

序号 驻极工艺 过滤效率 CV值
1 水驻极 96.0 1.5
2 电晕充电 92.2 1.4
3 水驻极+水驻极 96.3 0.3
4 电晕充电+水驻极 68.9 11.9


Surface potential distribution of corona charging meltblown nonwovens"


Surface potential distribution of corona charging meltblown nonwovens after hydro charging"


Schematic diagram of material charged process"

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