Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 162-170.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210606609

• Dyeing and Finshing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation of superhydrophobic polyester fabric modified by tea polyphenols for oil-water separation

XIE Ailing1,2, YUE Yuhan1,2, AI Xin1,2, WANG Yahui1,2, WANG Yirong1,2, CHEN Xinpeng1,2, CHEN Guoqiang1,2, XING Tieling1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
    2. Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Textile Dyeing and Printing for Energy Conservation, Discharge Reduction and Cleaner Production(ERC), Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
  • Received:2021-06-23 Revised:2021-12-01 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-03-15
  • Contact: XING Tieling


In order to improve the durability of superhydrophobic fabrics, a polyester (PET) fabric was treated with strong adhesion substances including tea polyphenols (Tps), Hexadecyltrimethoxysilane (HDS) and FeSO4·7H2O. Surface morphology, chemical composition, superhydrophobic stability and oil-water separation performance of the prepared PET fabric were tested and characterized. The results show that when Tps is 2 g/L, HDS is 150 μL/L and FeSO4·7H2O is 6 g/L, the prepared PET fabric showed good superhydrophobic property with water contact angle of 163.1° and the scrolling angle of 3.5°. The treated fabric shows good stability under the conditions of water washing, mechanical wear, mechanical friction, UV irradiation, simulated seawater, acid-alkaline and organic reagents. In the cyclic test for oil-water separation, the separation efficiency remains above 95%. The preparation process of superhydrophobic PET fabric is simple and has good stability, which has broad application prospects in the field of oil-water separation.

Key words: polyester fabric, tea polyphenols, superhydrophobic property, hexadecyltrimethoxysilane, oil-water separation

CLC Number: 

  • TS193


Preparation schematic of superhydrophoboic PET fabric"


Surface element content of PET fabrics"

样品 表面元素含量/%
C N O Fe Si
原涤纶织物 68.34 0 31.66 0 0
HDS整理涤纶织物 79.28 0 15.11 0 5.61
Tps/Fe整理涤纶织物 72.96 1.19 24.65 1.20 0
Tps/HDS整理涤纶织物 75.64 0.78 16.46 0 7.12
Tps/Fe/HDS整理涤纶织物 76.67 0.65 15.02 0.80 6.86


WCA and SEM images (×10 000) of original PET (a), HDS PET(b), Tps/HDS PET(c), Tps/Fe PET (d), Tps/Fe/HDS PET(e), and WCA and SEM images (×50 000) of Tps/Fe/HDS PET (f)"


FT-IR spectra(a) and XPS wide spectra(b) of polyester fabrics"


C1s spectra of original PET(a) and Tps/Fe/HDS PET(b)"


Si2p spectra(a) and Fe2p spectra(b) of Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabric"


Mechanical properties of original PET and Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabrics"

织物 断裂强力/N 断裂伸长率/%
经向 纬向 经向 纬向
660.54±12.68 412.51±16.53 19.91±0.25 19.12±0.57
Tps/Fe/HDS整理涤纶织物 638.01±12.24 391.87±10.39 18.05±0.49 17.99±0.60


Thermogravimetric curve of original PET and Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabric"


Stability of Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabrics. (a) Washing resistance stability;(b) Abrasion resistance; (c) UV irradiation stability;(d) Simulated seawater stability;(e) pH stability ;(f)Organic solvents stability"


Self-cleaning and antifouling properties of PET fabric. (a) Self-cleaning property of original PET; (b)Self-cleaning property of Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabrics; (c)Wettability of liquid on surface of original PET; (d)Wetlability of liquid on surfose of Tps/Fe/HDS PET fabrics"


Photos of oil-water separation test. (a)Photos of Gravity driven oil-water separation test;(b) Photos of oil-water separation test of oil suction bag"


Oil-water separation performance. (a) Separation efficiency of superhydrophobic PET fabric under gravity drive for different organic reagents and adsorption capacity;(b) Separation efficiency test of n-hexane/water of oil absorption package"

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