Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (07): 75-80.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210805206

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of quasi-brittle fracture performance of glass fiber composites based on boundary effect model

ZHU Lütao1,2, HAO Li1, SHEN Wei2, ZHU Chengyan1()   

  1. 1. College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. Shaoxing Baojing Composite Materials Co., Ltd., Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
  • Received:2021-08-11 Revised:2022-03-22 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-07-29
  • Contact: ZHU Chengyan


In order to solve the quasi-brittle fracture problem of glass fiber composites, the thickness of the single-layer prepreg of the glass fiber composite materials was introduced, based on the boundary effect model, as a microstructure parameter to establish an analytical equation. The quasi-brittle fracture parameters such as tensile strength and fracture toughness were calculated based on the peak load of the specimen, and the mean value of fracture parameters was obtained after normal distribution analysis. The results indicate that the tensile strength is 169.48 MPa and the fracture toughness is 20.34 MPa·m1/2, covering almost all discrete points within the reliability range of 95%. Fitting the parameters of the specimen together, the linear fitting curve between the fracture load and the equivalent area was obtained with the error being only 4.95%.

Key words: glass fiber composites, boundary effect, tensile strength, fracture toughness, quasi-brittle fracture performance

CLC Number: 

  • TB332


Material fracture failure modes induced by BEM"


Schematic diagram of glass fiber composite by 3-p-b"


10 sets of samples with different thickness B and seam height ratio α"

编号 组别 高度W/mm 厚度B/mm 跨度S/mm 跨高比(S/W) 初始划痕a0/mm 缝高比α
1# S-3-4-0 12 3 48 4 0 0
2# S-3-4-0.041 67 12 3 48 4 0.5 0.041 67
3# S-3-4-0.1 12 3 48 4 1.2 0.1
4# S-3-4-0.2 12 3 48 4 2.4 0.2
5# S-4-4-0 12 4 48 4 0 0
6# S-4-4-0.041 67 12 4 48 4 0.5 0.041 67
7# S-4-4-0.2 12 4 48 4 2.4 0.2
8# S-5.5-4-0 12 5.5 48 4 0 0
9# S-5.5-4-0.041 67 12 5.5 48 4 0.5 0.041 67
10# S-5.5-4-0.2 12 5.5 48 4 2.4 0.2


Load-displacement curves of materials (a) and simulated fracture processes (b)"


Statistical analysis of fracture parameters"

编号 a0/
抗拉强度/MPa 断裂韧性/(MPa·m1/2)
最大值 最小值 最大值 最小值
1# 0 201.39 186.84 24.17 22.42
2# 0.5 167.19 131.61 20.06 15.80
3# 1.2 217.20 184.05 26.06 22.09
4# 2.4 221.40 116.91 26.57 14.03
5# 0 158.11 138.32 18.97 16.60
6# 0.5 155.11 137.57 18.61 16.51
7# 2.4 217.96 209.95 25.85 21.93
8# 0 148.51 165.85 21.62 17.82
9# 0.5 163.27 138.54 16.62 19.60
10# 2.4 184.43 152.90 22.14 17.62


Result analysis of all glass fiber composite materials samples. (a)Linear graph of Pmax-Ae with 95% reliability; (b)Double logarithm nonlinear correlation graph of σn-ae with 95% reliability"


Analysis of ftof glass fiber composite materials with different slit height ratiosMPa"

编号 最小值 最大值 中值 平均值
1# 186.84 201.39 189.04 192.83
2# 131.61 167.19 149.53 152.47
3# 184.05 217.20 190.28 199.26
4# 116.91 221.40 171.55 170.35


Analysis of KIC of glass fiber composite materials with different slit height ratiosMPa·m1/2"

编号 最小值 最大值 中值 平均值
1# 22.42 24.17 22.68 23.14
2# 15.80 20.06 17.94 18.30
3# 22.09 26.06 22.83 23.91
4# 14.03 26.57 20.59 20.44


Result analysis of glass fiber composite materials of conventional size. (a)Linear graph of Pmax-Ae with 95% reliability; (b)Double logarithm nonlinear correlation graph of σn-ae with 95% reliability"

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