Journal of Textile Research ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (03): 139-146.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210911508

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Release curve of nicotinamide from viscose fabrics and its model fitting

ZHU Weiwei1,2, LONG Jiajie1,2, SHI Meiwu1,2,3()   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China
    2. Scientific Research Base for Waterless Coloration with Supercritical Fluid (China Textile Engineering Society), Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China
    3. Beijing Haidian No. 57 Retired Cadres Rest House, Beijing 100035, China
  • Received:2021-09-28 Revised:2022-10-22 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-04-14


Objective Supercritical carbon dioxide fluid (SCF-CO2) is a new green processing and high-efficiency finishing technology, nontoxic, nonflammable and can be recycled, which have been used to impregnate the drug into polymer matrix in biomedical field widely and is superior to the traditional finishing technology. In order to fabricate bioactive textile with good bioactive drug release property through SCF-CO2impregnation processfor increasing the added value of clothing fabrics, it is necessary to analysis the variation and influence factors of release property of drug from bioactive textile fabricated by SCF-CO2.

Method The bioactive drug nicotinamide with skin whitening, nourishing was used as the model drug, and viscose fabric was used as the substrate. Nicotinamide-loaded bioactive viscose fabrics processed by SCF-CO2 under different temperatures (60, 70 and 80 ℃) and different pressures(12, 16 and 20 MPa), which were placed in the same release medium and measured the drug release amount in specific time by ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Ethanol was regarded as the release medium. Finally, the release curves that the drug release amount varied with time were drawn. The drug loading capacity was also measured. Besides, the release curves were fitted by different release models.

Results A higher absolute release quantity and a higher absolute release rate are obtained respectively when the supercritical CO2(SCCO2)temperature is 80 ℃, compared to 60, 70 ℃ of SCCO2 temperature. Besides, the drug loading capacity increases with increasing SCCO2temperature and the values are 6.165 4, 6.617 2 and 8.936 7 mg/g per weight of raw viscose fabric respectively. A higher absolute release quantity and a higher absolute release rate are also obtained respectively when the pressures are above 16 MPa as illustrated, compared to 12 MPa of SCCO2 pressure. The drug loading capacity also increases with increasing pressure and the values are 0.838 7, 4.955 3 and 6.617 2 mg/g per weight of raw viscose fabric respectively. A lower cumulative release percentage and a lower cumulative release rate are obtained respectively when the SCCO2 temperature is 60 ℃, which have an increasing tendency with increasing SCCO2 temperature, and the cumulative release percentage can be as low as 87.6% when it reaches the releasing equilibrium. On the contrary, a lower cumulative release percentage and a lower cumulative release rate are obtained respectively when the SCCO2 pressure is 20 MPa, which have a decreasing tendency with increasing SCCO2 pressure, and the cumulative release percentage can be as low as 87.3% when it reaches the releasing equilibrium. The R2 of Korsmeyer-Peppas model for all the release curves of nicotinamide-loaded viscose fabric processed by different SCCO2 temperature, pressure is much higher than Zero-order release model, Higuchi model, and the R2is above 0.935 39 as depicted in Tab.1 and 2. Moreover, the corresponding diffusion index is generally below 0.45 except that the one processed under 60 ℃ of SCCO2 temperature.

Conclusion The absolute release quantity and release rate of nicotinamide from viscose fabric are positively related to its loading capacity on the viscose fabric that vary with different SCCO2 temperature and pressure. A higher loading capacity results in a higher absolute release quantity and a higher release rate. A lower cumulative release percentage and a lower cumulative release rate can be obtained when nicotinamide-loaded bioactive viscose fabric is processed by a lower SCCO2 temperature or a higher SCCO2 pressure. It means the cumulative release property is correlated to the density of SCCO2. The release kinetics of nicotinamide-loaded viscose fabric processed by SCCO2 are more consistent with Korsmeyer-Peppas model. Moreover, the diffusion behavior of nicotinamide from viscose fabric is mainly belong to Fick diffusion.

Key words: supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, nicotinamide, viscose fabric, absolute release quantity, absolute release rate, bioactive textile, elease behavior

CLC Number: 

  • TS195


Release curves of drug-loaded viscose fabrics at different fluid temperatures. (a) Absolute release quantity; (b) Absolute release rate; (c) Cumulative release percentage; (d) Cumulative release rate"


Release curves of drug-loaded viscose substrates under different fluid pressures. (a) Absolute release quantity; (b) Absolute release rate; (c) Cumulative release percentage; (d) Cumulative release rate"


Fitting parameters of the models of bioactive viscose fabrics at different fluid temperatures"

流体温度/℃ 模型 模型方程 R2
60 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.39114 t + 23.59073)×100% 0.783 56
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 6.75903 t 0.5 + 1.45776)×100% 0.931 29
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 8.51122 t 0.45586)×100% 0.935 35
70 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.26811 t + 46.5634)×100% 0.503 19
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 5.18487 t 0.5 + 27.03036)×100% 0.781 75
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 32.57524 t 0.19643)×100% 0.984 88
80 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.33163 t + 43.64796)×100% 0.571 20
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 6.25345 t 0.5 + 20.75018)×100% 0.832 89
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 24.95905 t 0.2661)×100% 0.943 07


Release simulation curves of bioactive viscose fabrics at different fluid temperatures. (a) Zero-order release model; (b) Higuchi model; (c) Korsmeyer-Peppas model"


Release simulation curves of bioactive viscose fabrics under different fluid pressures. (a) Zero-order release model; (b) Higuchi model; (c) Korsmeyer-Peppas model"


Fitting parameters of models of bioactive viscose fabrics under different fluid pressures"

流体压力/MPa 模型 方程 R2
12 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.21058 t + 66.23545)×100% 0.229 07
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 4.54857 t 0.5 + 47.12954)×100% 0.500 12
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 66.15522 t 0.07598)×100% 0.998 41
16 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.2616 t + 52.81256)×100% 0.433 72
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 5.18591 t 0.5 + 32.75056)×100% 0.719 83
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 40.57053 t 0.16384)×100% 0.988 30
20 零级释放模型 Q t = ( 0.26811 t + 46.5634)×100% 0.503 19
Higuchi模型 Q t = ( 5.18487 t 0.5 + 27.03036)×100% 0.781 75
Korsmeyer-Peppas模型 Q t = ( 32.57524 t 0.19643)×100% 0.984 88
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