Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (11): 141-147.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20211007807

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on cooling performance of evaporative cooling garment

CHEN Ying1, SONG Zetao2, ZHENG Xiaohui3, JIANG Yan4, CHANG Suqin2()   

  1. 1. School of Fashion, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
    2. School of Materials Design and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
    3. Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Military Seience Academy, Beijing 100191, China
    4. College of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2021-10-29 Revised:2022-08-04 Online:2022-11-15 Published:2022-12-26
  • Contact: CHANG Suqin


In order to migrate heat strain on workers in the heat, a cooling garment was designed using polymeric cooling storage materials. In a simulated hot environment (temperature 34 ℃), three levels of work intensity (20, 200, and 300 W/m2) and three levels of relative humidity (20%, 50%, and 80%) were selected for systematically evaluating the cooling performance of the cooling garment utilizing dry thermal manikin controlled constant power. Results show that cooling garment is able to lower skin temperature, and for all local skin temperatures, the maximum cooling gradient is 3.4 ℃ and the maximum cooling rate is 0.081 ℃/min. Work intensity has a significant effect on effective cooling time, which for the torso under the selected work intensities were over 420, 165 and 102 min, respectively. Relative humidity has a significant effect on cooling gradient, and the cooling gradient of torso under the selected relative humidities were 1.8,1.2 and 0.4 ℃, respectively. Evaporative cooling garment has a mild cooling process, without sudden cooling and over cooling, which makes it suitable for wearing under moderate work intensity and moderate humidity conditions.

Key words: evaporative, cooling garment, work intensity, relative humidity, skin temperature

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.17


Style chart of cooling garment. (a) Front; (b) Back"


Object of cooling garment. (a) Before activation; (b) After activation"


Effect of work intensity on development of regional skin temperatures. (a) Chest; (b) Shoulder; (c) Abdomen; (d) Back"


Effect of work intensity on development of torso skin temperature"


Effect of work intensity on local cooling performance of cooling garment"

部位 降温梯
20 胸部 3.0 37 >420 0.081 75
肩部 3.4 45 >420 0.076 74
腹部 2.1 48 >420 0.044 711
背部 2.5 87 >420 0.029 714
躯干 2.7 49 >420 0.055 77
200 胸部 2.1* 30 194* 0.070 82
肩部 2.6* 36 208* 0.072 128
腹部 0.8* 33 96* 0.024 0
背部 1.2 57* 175# 0.021 68
躯干 1.6* 36 165# 0.044 82
300 胸部 1.6# 24* 107# 0.067 0
肩部 2.1* 25* 137# 0.084 0
腹部 0.6* 28* 66# 0.021 0
背部 0.6 34* 97# 0.018 0
躯干 1.2# 29* 102# 0.041 0


Effect of relative humidity on development of regional skin temperatures. (a) Chest; (b) Shoulder; (c) Abdomen; (d) Back"


Effect of relative humidity on development of torso skin temperature"


Effect of relative humidity on local cooling performance of cooling garment"

部位 降温梯度/
20 胸部 2.3 18.0 86 0.128
肩部 3.0 22.0 119 0.136
腹部 0.9 19.0 48 0.047
背部 1.3 35.0 88 0.037
躯干 1.8 22.0 82 0.082
50 胸部 1.6 24.0 107 0.067
肩部 2.0* 25.0 137 0.08
腹部 0.6* 28.0 66* 0.021
背部 0.7* 34.0 97* 0.021
躯干 1.2* 29.0 102 0.041
80 胸部 0.4* 8.7# 160# 0.046
肩部 1.1* 13.0 164 0.085
腹部 0 0.0 0
背部 0.1# 9.3# 230# 0.011
躯干 0.4# 11.0* 86 0.036
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