Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (05): 32-37.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20211206406

• Invited Column: Expert Opinion of the 11th China Textile Academic Conferenc • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Structural coloration of polystyrene/iron-tannin acid complex nanospheres on cotton fabrics

ZHU Xiaowei, WEI Tianchen, LI Yijiang, XING Tieling(), CHEN Guoqiang   

  1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
  • Received:2021-12-28 Revised:2022-02-27 Online:2022-05-15 Published:2022-05-30
  • Contact: XING Tieling


It is known that dopamine structurally colored fabrics is expensive and time-consuming. To address this problem, tannic acid was used in this research to replace dopamine for quickly achieving the structural color effect. PS/iron-tannin acid complex (PS/TA-Fe3+) nanospheres was prepared, which was used to construct random close-packed amorphous photonic arrays on the surface of cotton fabrics by gravity deposition. Polystyrene (PS) microspheres, PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres and structurally colored fabrics was characterized by Malvern nanoparticle size analyzer, field emission electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and angle-resolved spectrometer. The appropriate addition of tannins acid and Fe3+ were explored, and the arrangement of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres on the surface of structurally colored fabrics, the structural colors and structural stability of PS/TA-Fe3+ coatings were characterized. The results show that when the amount of tannic acid is 10% and the molar ratio of tannic acid and Fe3+ is 10:1, the prepared PS/TA-Fe3+ microspheres appear to have uniform particle size and good mono-dispersity. The prepared fabric displayed soft, bright and angle-independent structural color, demonstrating good washing and rubbing durability.

Key words: structural color, structurally colored fabric, polystyrene/iron-tannin acid complex nanospheres, amorphous colloidal arrays, random close-packed structure

CLC Number: 

  • TS193


Diameters and PDI values of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of tannic acid"

单宁酸质量分数/% Dh/nm Da/nm PDI值
0 214 190 0.029
5 231 208 0.041
10 245 221 0.059
15 257 231 0.068
20 254 233 0.073
25 256 228 0.096
30 247 227 0.144


Digital photos of structurally colored fabric prepared by PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of tannic acid"


Reflectance spectra of structurally colored fabric prepared by PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of tannic acid"


Diameters and PDI values of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of Fe3+"

单宁酸与Fe3+量比 Dh/nm Da/nm PDI值
0 214 190 0.029
20:1 239 216 0.065
10:1 245 221 0.059
20:3 247 223 0.082
5:1 251 225 0.068
4:1 249 222 0.074
10:3 247 225 0.079


Digital photos of structurally colored fabric prepared by PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of Fe3+"


Reflectance spectra of structurally colored fabric prepared by PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different dosages of Fe3+"


Photographs of structurally colored fabrics of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different core particle size"


SEM images of structurally colored fabrics of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different core particle size"


TEM image of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres prepared by 250 nm PS nanospheres"


Change of structural colors of fabric at different view angles from 0°-90°"


Reflectance spectra of structurally colored fabrics of PS/TA-Fe3+ nanospheres with different particle size"


Reflectance spectra of structural colors of fabric at different view angles from 0°-50°"


Reflectance spectrum of structurally colored fabric (a) and transmittance spectrum of washing liquid (b) after different washing cycles"


Optical and SEM images of structurally colored fabric before (a) and after (b) rubbing"

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