Journal of Textile Research ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (09): 153-160.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20220810601

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Water-repellent finishing of cotton fabrics with silica sol and short-chain fluorinated polyacrylic ester

DU Shan1, WEI Yunhang1, TAN Yuhao1, WU Ting2, LI Yong2, YANG Hongying1,3, WANG Ming4,5, ZHOU Weitao2,3()   

  1. 1. School of Textile, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China
    2. Institute of Textile and Garment Industry, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China
    3. Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Green Dyeing & Finishing Technology, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China
    4. Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    5. College of Chemical and Dyeing-Printing Engineering, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China
  • Received:2022-08-22 Revised:2023-06-17 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-10-30


Objective Water-repellent cotton fabrics have attracted widespread attention because of their exceptional innovative functionality and promising applications. However, the poor adhesion of particles to construct roughness and the refractory fluorinated finishing agents with the carbon atom number greater than 8 lead to poor washing durability and environmental pollution. Therefore, a novel eco-friendly short-chain acrylate polymer-based coating with silica gel was developed to endow cotton fabrics with superior water-repellent performance, washing durability and acid-alkali resistance.

Method In this coating system, silica gel and short-chain fluorinated polyacrylic acid were introduced into the cotton fabric through facile chemical reaction for achieving high water-repellent performance. The process to obtain hydrophobic cotton fabric was optimized. The obtained hydrophobic cotton fabric was next characterized by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermogravimetry (TG) for its surface morphology and structure. The application properties were investigated by surface contact angle, acid and alkali resistance and fabric style tests.

Results The critical process parameters, such as silica sol concentration, short-chain fluorinated polyacrylate concentration, pre-baking temperature and baking temperature, were investigated on the repellency of cotton fabrics. The optimal process conditions were determined as follows: 0.3% (o.w.f) of silica sol, 30 g/L of short chain fluorinated polyacrylic ester, 20 min of soaking time, 80 ℃ of pre-baking temperature and baking at 170 ℃ for 2 min (Fig. 1). With such optimal process, the cotton fabric exhibited hydrophobic character of the surface (water contact angle changed from 42° to 155.6°, Fig. 2). Surface morphology characterized by SEM indicated acrylate polymer possessing preferable film form ability, beneficial to reduce the surface tension and to improve water repellency (Fig. 3). With the presence of Si—O—Si group and C—F group (Fig. 4), the improved water repellency was verified to be due to the introduction of silica gel and short-chain fluorinated polyacrylic acid. Thermogravimetric analysis (Fig. 6 and Tab. 1) also confirmed the introduction of silica gel and short-chain fluorinated polyacrylic acid, which was consistent with the IR results. The obtained hydrophobic cotton fabric demonstrated superior water durability, with water contact angle greater than 90°, even after 50 washing cycles (Fig. 7). In neutral solutions, cotton fabric exhibited the best hydrophobic effect, with water contact angle of 155.6°. This hydrophobic performance appeared some diminution with acid/basic enhancement. With the action of strong acids (pH=3) and alkalis (pH=12), the finishing cotton fabric still exhibited hydrophobic property, with water contact angles at 100° and 93°, respectively. Although hydrophobic finishing of cotton fabric caused a slight decrease in drapability, elasticity and smoothness, the crease recovery rate of cotton fabric was greatly improved (Tab. 2). This greatly compensated for the deficiency of cotton fabric.

Conclusion Under neutral conditions, the contact angle of the water-repellent cotton fabric could reach 155.6° with superior thermal stability, softness and crease recovery. After 50 washing cycles and acid-alkali reaction, the water contact angles were still greater than 90°, indicating superior hydrophobicity. Meanwhile, the finishing process has little influence on the fabric style, apart from the improved crease recovery. This eco-friendly short-chain acrylate polymer-based coating with silica gel provides a new strategy for fabricating green water repellency systems without using scarcely degradable materials but with superior water repellency, washing durability and acid-alkali tolerance.

Key words: water-repellent finishing, short-chain fluorinated polyacrylate, silica sol, wettability, fabric style

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.5

Fig. 1

Influence of composite water-repellent finishing parameters on surface contact angle of cotton fabric. (a) Concentration of silica sol; (b) Concentration of short-chain fluorinated polyacrylic ester; (c) Soaking time; (d) Pre-baking temperature; (e) Baking temperature; (f) Baking time period"

Fig. 2

Wettability of cotton fabrics before (a) and after (b) optimum composite water-repellent finishing"

Fig. 3

SEM images of cotton fibers before (a) and after (b) optimum composite water-repellent finishing"

Fig. 4

SEM images of cotton fibers before and after non-optimum water-repellent finishing. (a) 0.5%(o.w.f)of silica sol; (b) Baking temperature of 180 ℃; (c) Baking time period of 2.5 min"

Fig. 5

Infrared spectra of cotton fabrics before and after composite water-repellent finishing"

Fig. 6

Thermogravimetric curves of cotton fabrics before (a) and after (b) composite water-repellent finishing"

Tab. 1

Thermogravimetric characteristic parameters of cotton fabrics before and after composite water-repellent finishing"

样品名称 起始
温度 /℃
温度 /℃
温度 /℃
原棉织物 299.5 373.9 405.5 1.61
拒水棉织物 267.5 380.5 409.3 7.62

Fig. 7

Washing fastness of composite water-repellent finished cotton fabric"

Fig. 8

Acid and alkali resistance of cotton fabrics before and after composite water-repellent finishing. (a) Influence of pH on contact angle; (b) Digital image showing resistance of water-repellent finished cotton fabrics to acid and alkali"

Tab. 2

Style characteristic values of cotton fabric before and after composite water repellent finishing"

样品名称 悬垂性 硬挺度 柔软度 光滑度 折皱
原棉织物 25.48 27.89 74.70 70.76 55.85
拒水棉织物 24.03 25.88 76.07 67.61 66.41
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