Journal of Textile Research ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 138-144.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20221001901

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Digital design method of clothing reverse modeling

ZHOU Li1,2(), FAN Peihong1,2, JIN Yuting1,2, ZHANG Longlin1,2,3, LI Xinrong4   

  1. 1. College of Sericulture Textile and Biomass Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2. Research Institute of Digital Fashion and Intelligent Design, Chongqing 401120, China
    3. Research Institute of Textile and Fashion Industry Internet, Beijing 100036, China
    4. College of Mechanical Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2022-10-09 Revised:2023-09-13 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2024-01-22


Objective Aiming to obtain doubled amount of design through data reconstruction during generating the digital model from the physical object of the design work, a digital design method of clothing reverse modeling is built up. It mainly addresses two problems: one is to restore and save the data of irreproducible clothing, the other is to carry out reverse modeling and extension design of excellent clothing works.
Methods The point cloud data obtained through 3-D scanning were simplify, and the topology into a quadrilateral grid was optimized. Then, surface reconstruction design was carried out on the special-shaped grids caused by singular points, with position adjusting, quantity increasing and decreasing, and shape changing. As the last step, the digital simulation design of clothing modeling was set up following reverse engineering through mapping and restoration.
Results The clothing design ideas and methods were submitted based on the reverse modeling process (Fig. 1), which could restore quickly the virtual experimental objects and provide designers with new design methods and skills for secondary expansion modeling. The rationality of the pattern structure was verified by the three-dimensional effect of the clothing and the actual object with distinctive features. First, it collects, restores and stores data of irreproducible clothing by clothing models acquiring model topological surface reduction, modeling structure splitting, and texture mapping (Fig. 2). Second, it calibrates the position of the singularity to provide a reference method to quickly carry out reverse modeling and extension design on excellent clothing works (Fig. 3). Third, it carries out extension modeling by adjusting the position of the singularity, increasing or decreasing the number, changing the shape of the surface reconstruction design, and making a real entity for objective verification (Fig. 4). The shape and structure of improved extension design work could be transformed into planes, and the pattern drawing of the reverse topology clothing provides a basis for pattern adjustment, and also lays the foundation for clothing shape design and same type clothing structure optimization (Fig. 5). Fourth, it can be converted into an editable structural pattern based on the expansion of the pattern drawing, so as to further carry out the simulation operation and experiment of the clothing model (Fig. 6). At the same time, dynamic simulation of a series of transformations such as on clothing material, texture and new shape can be carried out (Fig. 7).
Conclusion Taking a drape-cut garment with complex shape as an example, the rationality and feasibility of the garment reverse shape design method are verified. At the same time, it is possible to reversely draw out the clothing version or digital model, to carry out version extension and try-on corrections with 3-D digital software, and to verify the final shape obtained by the reverse modeling method. This method aims to reduce the waste of resources and pollution caused by forward fashion design, to address the long production cycle, and to use digital modeling to improve the high-quality development of design innovation.

Key words: reverse modeling, topology optimization, surface reconstruction, singularity, extension design, clothing design

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.26

Fig. 1

Reverse modeling design idea"

Fig. 2

Reverse modeling experiment process. (a) Get clothing model; (b) Model topology reduction; (c) Modeling structure split; (d) Perfect texture mapping"

Fig. 3

Grid optimization partition. (a) Mesh change mode; (b) Grid change singularity; (c) Singular point distribution of special-shaped grid"

Fig. 4

Reverse modeling extension series. (a) Change positon of split lines and holes; (b) Change style and detail module"

Fig. 5

Version to compare. (a) Original model; (b) Redesign model; (c) Model structure splitting"

Fig. 6

UV cutting sheet extension and sewing. (a) UV cutting pieces; (b) Virtual sewing"

Fig. 7

Reverse design dynamic simulation. (a) Material extension; (b) Modeling extension; (c)Dynamic simulation"

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