Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (09): 137-145.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230603801

• Dyeing and Finishing Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Construction of MXene-based conductive fabrics and their multifunctional applications

LU Daokun1, WANG Shifei2, DONG Qian1, SHI Naman1, LI Siqi1, GAN Lulu1, ZHOU Shuang1, SHA Sha1, ZHANG Ruquan1, LUO Lei1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile Science and Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, Hubei 430200, China
    2. Xinlong Holding (Group) Co., Ltd., Haikou, Hainan 570125, China
  • Received:2023-06-19 Revised:2024-03-30 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-09-15
  • Contact: LUO Lei


Objective The two-dimensional material MXene can be easily integrated with textiles because of its excellent dispersion, good mechanical properties, and high conductivity, and has shown potential applications in many areas. In order to expand the application of two-dimensional titanium carbide materials into smart textiles, Ti3C2Tx and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were sprayed on pure nonwovens as the substrate to prepare a multifunctional electronic textile which integrates sensing, energy storage, and thermal energy conversion.

Method Ti3C2Tx MXene sheets were synthesized through the typical chemical etching method by selectively etching Al layer from Ti3AlC2 phase. Ti3C2Tx (2 mg/mL) and CNTs dispersion (2 mg/mL) were then ultrasonically mixed (at a volume ratio of 1∶1) and repeatedly sprayed on nonwoven fabric substrate until the surface resistance of the fabric was lower than 150 Ω. The Ti3C2Tx/CNTs/nonwoven (MCF) composite was finally prepared and characterized by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the photothermal and electrothermal conversion performance, electrochemical properties and sensing performance were also explored.

Results The thread-like CNTs on the fabric surface were wrapped around the entangled Ti3C2Tx flake, connecting Ti3C2Tx from different regions and forming a stable conductive network. The Ti3C2Tx was successfully synthesized and uniformly attached on the surface of nonwoven substrate. When MCF was used for photothermal conversion, it was quickly heated up to 65 ℃ in 60 min and maintained stable. In terms of the electrical heating performance, the thermal response time of MCF was shorter than 2 s, and the aperture on the infrared thermal image was uniformly distributed. The reason is that the addition of CNTs further improved the overall conductivity of the material, and exploited the large volume and contact area of the CNTs to bond with more Ti3C2Tx, and created more conductive pathways on the surface of the fabric. When the MCF electrode was used in a flexible semi-solid supercapacitor, the specific capacitance remained at 70 mF/cm2 even at a high current density of 2 A/cm2. After 10 000 cycles, the MCF still maintained a capacitance retention of 74%, indicating that the MCF electrode had a good cycling durability. In addition, the MCF was also used as sensors and fixed on the neck, wrist, fingertips, knee, and elbow of the human body to monitor human motions. With each bending of the human body, the resistances of MCF underwent regular changes, which were captured and recorded clearly and stably.

Conclusion MCF was successfully prepared by modified mixed solution of CNTs/Ti3C2Tx on the nonwoven substrate using a simple spraying method. Owing to the synergistic effect of CNTs and MXene films, MCF was rapidly heated up to 65 ℃ at room temperature of 32 ℃ after being exposed to sunlight and 115 ℃ under a voltage of 15 V, demonstrating good photothermal conversion and joule thermal performance. When used as a flexible semi-solid supercapacitor electrode, MCF exhibited a high specific capacitance of 125 mF/cm2. Additionally, MCF could be applied as a flexible strain sensor to detect human motions, exhibiting significant negative resistance changes and high sensitivity. In summary, MCF presents great potential applications in wearable electronic products and multifunctional garments.

Key words: conductive fabric, Ti3C2Tx, carbon nanotube, photothermal performance, electric heating performance, capacitor, sensor, cellulose nonwoven fabric

CLC Number: 

  • TS195.2


SEM images of MCF, CF and MF"


EDS test charts of MCF. (a) Layered image of EDS elements; (b) Ti; (c) C; (d) O"


XRD patterns of different samples"


FT-IR spectra of MCF, CF and MF"


Infrared thermographies of MCF, CF and MF"


Infrared thermal images(a)and temperature change curves(b)of MCF, CF and MF"


Charge-discharge curves(a)and CV curves(b)of MCF, CF and MF"


Electrochemical performance of semi-solid state capacitors. (a) AC impedance; (b) b-value curves of MCF; (c) Schematic diagram of capacitance contribution at scanning rate of 200 mV/s; (d)Proportion of capacitance contribution at different scanning rates; (e) Capacitor specific capacitance; (f) MCF cycle charging/discharging graph"


Detection of human joint motions. (a) Throat; (b) Knee; (c) Wrist; (d) Fingers; (e) Elbow; (f)100 elbow straightening-bending cycles"

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