Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (08): 250-258.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230606002

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Research status and development trend of smart sitting posture correction garment

HOU Yujie1, LIU Huanhuan1,2,3, WANG Zhaohui1,2,3()   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    3. Shanghai Belt and Road Joint Laboratory of Textile Intelligent Manufacturing, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2023-06-29 Revised:2024-03-22 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-21
  • Contact: WANG Zhaohui


Significance An analysis based on more than 30 years of data suggests that the number of cases of low back pain is increasing worldwide, and there will be more than 800 million people with low back pain worldwide by 2050. The reason for this phenomenon is that the development of modern education and technology has led to a dramatic change in the way people live and work, and sitting has become the most common posture used today. The sedentary process is accompanied by a variety of poor sitting posture, which causes unnatural bending of the spine and uneven distribution of forces on the spine and back, thus leading to spinal disorders, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc protrusion, and scoliosis. According to medical research, correcting sitting posture is an effective way to prevent and reduce back pain. Therefore, the development of wearable products for posture correction is necessary.

Progress The orthopedic wearable products currently available are categorized according to the way they are worn, and can be divided into head-mounted, miniature wearable and clothing wearable. From the comparison of two garment wearable products, including sitting posture correction belts and sitting posture corrective garment, it was found that the physical stretching of the orthopedic straps will have a strong sense of constraint on the body, and at the same time, the sitting posture correction belts mainly relies on inertial sensors, and the monitoring area is relatively limited. The development of smart textiles for creating smart sitting posture correction garment makes up for the shortcomings of sitting posture correction belts, which combines comfort and functionality and has greater prospects for development. This is followed by a specific analysis of the three key technologies of the sitting posture correction garment system, i.e., wearable sensing technology, system identification technology, and recognition feedback alerting technique. The monitoring methods of two major wearable sensing systems, microelectromechanical systems and smart textile systems, are described and compared. Based on the types of signal recognized by the wearable sensor, the principle of discriminating bad sitting postures is explained. The feedback methods in the smart sitting posture correction garment are introduced from three senses i.e., visual, auditory and tactile, and the results show that the multi-sensory recognition feedback mode is more effective.

Conclusion and Prospect Smart sitting posture correction garment has great advantages and practical value. It can expand the monitoring area, detailing and focusing on the areas of poor sitting posture, the development of electronic textiles makes smart sitting posture correction garment more comfortable, and it can have the dual function of passive and active posture correction, which can help to improve the poor sitting posture of human body more effectively. In the future, smart sitting posture correction garment should also be developed towards the following directions. ① Use of flexibility of electronic equipment. In the future, sensing elements and vibration feedback elements both can try to replace with intelligent textiles, so as to better integrate in the clothing. ② Enhanced accuracy of the system identification. Since the electrical signal collected by the textile sensor is affected by the sensor material, monitoring position and other factors, it is also necessary to standardize a criterion to obtain an accurate threshold classification for poor sitting posture. ③ Focusing of feedback mode. Multi-sensory feedback mode is the focus of future research, the future should be for different groups of people to take different feedback mode, and set up feedback mechanisms that can be adapted to different occasions. ④ Enhancement of human-computer interaction. The current clothing only plays the role of monitoring and feedback, but does not realize the real interaction. The future also needs to enhance human-computer interaction, guide the user to exercise. ⑤ The safety of the system clothing. Clothing not only needs to be considered for the safety of the use of electronic components, but also needs to protect the privacy and security of users. It is believed that smart sitting posture correction garment will have a good development prospect in the field of healthcare and health monitoring.

Key words: sitting posture correction garment, smart garment, sensing technology, posture recognition, feedback mode

CLC Number: 

  • TS941


International Ergonomics Association's standard sitting posture"


Structure of human spine"


Classification and advantages and disadvantages summary for sitting posture correction products"

产品形态 优点 缺点
矫姿眼镜 方便轻巧,可随身携带 监测区域局限,不适于佩戴眼镜的近视人群,成本高
挂耳式矫姿器 便捷,适配度较高 监测区域局限,长时间佩戴会造成耳朵的负担
智能胸扣 容易隐藏,小巧便于携带 监测区域局限,必须与皮肤直接接触,无法佩戴于宽松的衣服中
背部粘贴式矫姿器 监测区域局限,需用医用胶粘贴于皮肤,不够舒适
矫姿带 方便穿脱,可辅助矫姿 物理拉伸会勒胳膊,整体结构设计不够舒适
矫姿服 舒适透气,监测更全面精准 需要谨慎选择材料,成本也会更高


Intelligent sitting posture correction clothing classification summary"

分类方式 原理 案例
上衣 监测人体背脊部弯曲角度变化情况 美国Adela Health发明的TruPosture智能衬衫
裤装 监测臀部压力 Skach等[18]研发的一种智能裤子
张力型 服装表面受到压力后触发伸张带进行拉伸 法国公司研发的Percko新型智能身姿矫正衣
支撑型 用特定材料或结构为腰背部提供支撑 薛家和等[19]发明的智能服装


Key technology of smart sitting posture correction grament system"


Summary of wearable sensing technology in smart sitting correction clothing"

传感器类型 监测
监测位置 优势 劣势
惯性传感器 加速
脊柱区域 尺寸小、便携性、性能稳定 具有刚性、只能附着于织物表面、舒适度不高
脊柱和背部其它区域(如菱形肌、斜方肌) 柔韧、透气、集成度高、舒适、可水洗 制备难度大、成本较高、稳定性需加强
脊柱和背部其它区域(如菱形肌、斜方肌) 输出信号噪声小、信号处理简单 会受到外部环境的干扰
光量 脊柱和背部其它区域(如菱形肌、斜方肌) 专家可直观观察用户坐姿并进行分析 光纤位置会发生滑移,用户自己无法观察到光量情况
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