Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (06): 165-172.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230702601

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Parametric and regeneration design of Badayun patterns

ZHANG Suya1, CUI Rongrong1,2,3(), WANG Zhicheng1,2,3, JIANG Wenqin1, XU Pinghua1,2,3   

  1. 1. School of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. Digital Intelligence Style and Creative Design Research Center, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, Cina
    3. Key Research Center of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2023-07-13 Revised:2024-02-26 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-15


Objective Traditional patterns possess rich cultural connotations and unique aesthetic characteristics. This study aims to reinterpret and recreate the morphological composition of traditional patterns, injecting them with a sense of contemporaneity and innovation. By doing so, it seeks to infuse contemporary designs with distinctive artistic charm and provide consumers with diverse choices and cultural experiences. Currently, researchers primarily focus on the cultural connotations and formal composition of patterns, resorting to manual drawing for their reinterpretation, while lacking applications for rapid digital generation. To enhance the efficiency of innovative design for traditional patterns, a parametric deconstruction and regeneration method is proposed, enabling the rapid generation of pattern forms and color variations.

Method This study focused on the Badayun patterns, analyzing its artistic value and morphological structure. The patterns were divided into three categories, i.e., filling, decoration, and skeleton, which were further deconstructed into basic graphical elements. By quantifying the parameters of each element, a morphological fitting formula was constructed. Modeling was then carried out using Rhino software and its Grasshopper plugin to establish a foundational pattern model. The model included the establishment of pattern deconstruction, primitive library, parameter library, rule library, and parametric expression and recombination, which eventually formed patterns with different shapes and parameters. Furthermore, color extraction and clustering algorithms were employed to extract and cluster colors from different scenarios, resulting in diverse color schemes. Additionally, automatic coloring was applied to the interior regions of the generated patterns.

Results By combining traditional patterns and parametric modeling techniques, this study presented a parameterized deconstruction and regeneration method based on the Badayun pattern. The method successfully achieved the parameterized regeneration of traditional patterns with different forms and color styles. Using the floral element of the Badayun patterns as an example, the element was deconstructed parametrically to generate locally varying graphical effects under different parameters. Furthermore, an improved binary K-means adaptive clustering algorithm was employed to extract color factors from samples, yielding color analysis charts of typical Badayun patterns from different periods. It included the main colors of the Badayun patterns in the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the RGB values of the corresponding main colors in different periods, and the color proportions of different colors in the overall pattern. Based on the generated line drawings of patterns in different forms, an automatic transfer coloring algorithm is utilized to derive various coloring effects for the same pattern. The well-designed Badayun patterns could be applied in multiple fields and transformed into product textures through a parametric platform, facilitating aesthetic dissemination and transforming functional utility in various products. It formed a new way of transforming the qualitative expression of pattern regeneration design into quantitative expression, which could quickly generate a large number of traditional pattern design schemes and effectively improve the design efficiency.

Conclusion This paper proposes a parametric model-based design method for Badayun patterns, which can generate different styles of patterns according to different parameter settings. The method uses computer technology to achieve an integrated design of line drawing, structure, and color assignment, which can quickly and flexibly adjust and control the form and style of the patterns, compared to the traditional design method. The method improves the design efficiency and creativity. Through case analyses, the paper demonstrates the application value of the method in garment pattern regeneration design and graphic design in the digital era. The parametric model-based design method for decorated lattice patterns provides an effective technical means for the regeneration and innovation of traditional patterns, and a new entry point for graphic design in the digital era.

Key words: Badayun pattern, parametric, design method, deconstruction, regeneration

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.2


Badayun patterns of Song(a), Ming(b) and Qing(c) dynasties"


Typical characteristics of Badayun pattern in the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties"

朝代 骨架元素 装饰纹样 填充纹样
圆形、方形、菱形线性结构 圆形、方形、菱形线性结构 圆形、方形、菱形线性结构
如意纹与写生花卉纹组合 宝相花纹 “卍、寿、福、喜、贵”等文字纹
铜钱纹“卍”字纹等几何纹样 简单的写生花卉纹、几何纹样 较为复杂的写生花卉纹、动物、几何纹样


Pattern sketch of Badayun"


Structure diagram of elements in area B"


Deconstruction pipeline of Badayun pattern"


Pipeline of graphical parametric design"


Local element variation under different parameters"


Parametric element combination legend"


Different color effects for same pattern"


Badayun pattern color analysis diagram"

朝代 色彩占比 RGB数值 色彩特征
宋代 0.372 9;0.333 6;
0.168 9;0.081 8;0.042 8
明代 0.391 6;0.258 1;
0.213 5;0.120 9;0.015 8
清代 0.361 2;0.296 1;
0.212 7;0.094 8;0.035 2


Pattern regeneration application rendering. (a)Example 1; (b) Example 2; (c) Example 3; (d) Example 4"


Parametric texture mapping. (a)Texture plan; (b) Stereogram"

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