Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (02): 134-141.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20231006001

• Dyeing and Finishing Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Diffusion behavior of disperse dyes in supercritical CO2 fluid polyester fibers dyeing

FAN Bo1,2, WU Wei1,2, WANG Jian3, XU Hong1,2,4, MAO Zhiping1,2,4,5()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    3. Jifa Group Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong 266000, China
    4. Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    5. National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2023-10-17 Revised:2023-12-01 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-03-29


Objective Supercritical CO2 fluid dyeing is attracting attentions as a green technology that is promising to root out the printing and dyeing wastewater problem. There are still deficiencies in understanding the dyeing mechanisms, among which the understanding of diffusion performance of dyestuffs would play a key role in exploring the dyeing process with supercritical CO2 fluids. This research aims to study the diffusion behaviour of disperse dyes in supercritical CO2 fluid dyed polyester fibers.

Method The diffusion behaviour of disperse dyes (Disperse Red 167, Disperse Orange 30, Disperse Blue 79) in polyester fibers under different dying conditions of supercritical CO2 fluid dyeing was investigated using confocal Raman microscopy. Based on the Raman spectra of the dyes, fibers before and after dyeing and the Raman characteristic peaks of the dyes in the dyed fibers were analyzed. The distribution of the dyes in the fibers was also studied by selecting the corresponding depth imaging map according to the characteristic peaks of the dyes. The accuracy of the data was later verified by comparing the Raman data with the exfoliated colour data. The diffusion coefficient was also evaluated.

Results Firstly, the position of the main Raman peak (1 616 cm-1) of the polyester fiber and the Raman characteristic peak of disperse dyes in the fiber was obtained by comparing the Raman spectra of the samples. The depth imaging function of confocal Raman microscope was used to analyze the fibers after dyeing under different conditions, revealing that the dye in the fibers increased significantly from 5 to 30 min of dyeing. The adsorption capacity of three dyes in the fibers increased with pressure, the adsorption capacity of Disperse Red 167 and Disperse Orange 30 in the fiber increased with the increase of temperature, and the adsorption capacity of disperse Blue 79 in the fiber showed an increase and then a decrease. The dye was found to be evenly distributed in the fibers at the early stage of dyeing (dyeing time 5 min). The Raman data were compared with the stripping data to verify the validity of the Raman data, and the diffusion coefficients of the three dyes were calculated under the dyeing condition of 120 ℃ temperature and 27 MPa pressure. The results show that Raman spectroscopy is able to facilitate quantitatively analyses of dyeing polyester fibers with disperse dyes.

Conclusion The diffusion of disperse dyes in polyester fibers after supercritical CO2 dyeing was studied by confocal Raman microscopy without damaging the polyester fibers. The content of Disperse Red 167 and Disperse Orange 30 in polyester fibers increased with increasing dyeing time and pressure, while the content of Disperse blue 79 increased and then decreased with increasing dyeing temperature. The diffusion process of the dye was analyzed by studying the IDyes/IFibers at different fibre depths under different dyeing conditions. It was found that in the early stages of dyeing (5 min into dyeing) the dye already showed a uniform distribution in the fibers, which was related to the dissolution of the polyester fibers in the supercritical CO2 fluid and the high diffusivity of the supercritical CO2 fluid itself. The Raman data was compared with conventional stripping data which demonstrated the accuracy of the Raman data and the suitability of Raman spectroscopy to quantify the disperse dye staining in polyester fibers.

Key words: disperse dye, polyester fiber, supercritical CO2, confocal Raman microscope, diffusion

CLC Number: 

  • TS193.1

Fig. 1

Raman spectra of dispersed dyes and polyester fiber before and after Sc CO2 dyeing with different dispersed dyes. (a)Disperse Red 167; (b)Disperse Orange 30; (c)Disperse Blue 79"

Fig. 2

Raman spectra of polyester fibers ScCO2 dyed at different dyeing time. (a)Disperse Red 167; (b)Disperse Orange 30; (c) Disperse Blue 79"

Fig. 3

Raman depth imaging of dyed fibers at different dyeing time(×200). (a)Disperse red 167(Raman intensity 0~1 100); (b)Disperse Orange 30 (Raman intensity 0~1 100); (c)Disperse Blue 79 (Raman intensity 0~4 000)"

Fig. 4

Raman depth imaging of dyed fibers at different dyeing temperature and pressure (×200). (a)Disperse Red 167 (Raman intensity 0~1 100,0~2 500); (b)Disperse Orange 30 (Raman intensity 0~800); (c) Disperse Blue 79 (Raman intensity 0~4 000,0~5 000)"

Fig. 5

IDyes/IFibersin different depths of Disperse Red 167 after dyeing under different dyeing time(a), temperature(b) and pressure(c)"

Tab. 1

Dyeing amount of disperse dyes in yarns and average value of IDyes/IFibers at different depths in fibers under different dyeing conditions"

染色条件 分散红167 分散橙30 分散蓝79
ˉIDyes/IFibers 上染量/
ˉIDyes/IFibers 上染量/
ˉIDyes/IFibers 上染量/
1 120 27 5 0.116 1.707 0.136 6.619 0.447 3.207
2 120 27 15 0.201 3.135 0.151 6.942 0.795 6.098
3 120 27 30 0.377 4.564 0.170 7.802 0.960 7.477
4 120 27 60 0.433 5.909 0.167 7.785 1.007 7.510
5 120 27 90 0.510 7.121 0.175 8.031 1.196 7.746
6 100 27 60 0.283 4.435 0.137 7.057 0.618 4.489
7 140 27 60 0.518 7.714 0.167 7.790 0.898 6.581
8 120 21 60 0.124 1.729 0.112 5.302 0.405 2.622
9 120 24 60 0.307 4.153 0.160 8.367 0.776 4.853

Fig. 6

Ratio of dyeing amount to ( I D y e s / I F i b e r s ˉ)under different dyeing conditions"

Fig. 7

Relationship between ct/c∞ and t1/2drawn by Raman data"

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