Journal of Textile Research ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (07): 1-9.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20240407701

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Low-damage preparation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation warp knit membrane fabrics with adaptive tension

XI Lifeng1, JIANG Gaoming1(), MA Pibo1, JIA Wei2, ZHANG Hongbin2, WANG Jiamian2, XIA Fenglin1, ZHANG Qi1, LIU Haisang1   

  1. 1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. National Innovation Center for Advanced Medical Devices, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518110, China
  • Received:2024-04-30 Revised:2024-05-30 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: JIANG Gaoming


Objective Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is used to provide continuous extracorporeal blood oxygenation to patients with severe cardiopulmonary failure to maintain the patients' life. The ECMO device consists of an oxygenator, a centrifugal pump, and a control system, of which the oxygenator is the core component for accomplishing the blood oxygenation. This study addresses the problem of technological gaps in the preparation of separation membrane fabrics for oxygenators and presents a study on the low-damage preparation of ECMO membrane fabrics based on warp knitting technology.

Method Through the stitch analysis of membrane fabrics made from polymethylpentene (PMP) hollow fibers membrane, the parameters such as knitting stitch, yarn type and other fabric specifications of membrane fabrics were determined. The knit fabrics were manufactured on the special Tricot warp knitting machine from PMP hollow fiber membrane. Based on the experimental results and the understanding of the knitting equipment, warp yarn tension was identified as one of the main influencing factors affecting the damage of the PMP hollow fiber knitting. An adaptive warp yarn tension control method was proposed with the Tricot warp knitting machine through the PID control strategy design and the fifth degree polynomial curve planning, aiming to achieve low-damage knitting of PMP hollow fiber.

Results The results showed that the damage of prepared ECMO membrane fabrics was mainly caused by the mismatch of yarn demand between the warp feed and knitting action at constant speed. The knitting tension amplitudes at 900, 1 000, and 1 100 mm/rack warp feed were 28, 23, and 19 cN, respectively, which led to the attenuation of PMP hollow fiber strength, outer diameter, and air flux. The ECMO membrane fabrics were prepared using the adaptive tension control method. The warp tension amplitude in a single cycle was regulated from 2.4-23 cN to 3-10 cN at the warp feed of 1 000 mm/rack, and the tension fluctuation amplitude was reduced by 56.5%. The results of ECMO film fabric preparation under adaptive tension control showed 3% loss of outer diameter and a 5% loss of strength at the weaving position. The N2 flux was decayed by 17%, CO2 flux by 12% and O2flux by 14% before and after braiding. Compared with the experiment without adaptive tension control, each gas flux index showed 65% enhancement of N2 flux, 63% enhancement of CO2 flux, and 62% enhancement of O2 flux, which further exemplified the effectiveness of the adaptive tension control scheme for the low-damage preparation of ECMO membrane fabrics.

Conclusion In this paper, based on warp knitting technology, a self-adaptive warp tension regulation method was developed to realize the low damage preparation of ECMO warp-knitted membrane fabrics by using homemade PMP hollow fibers as the substrate. The main research conclusions are as follows. 1) Through the membrane fabric preparation experiments, an adaptive tension control method is proposed, and through the PID control strategy and the fifth polynomial speed planning curve, the "peak shaving and valley filling" of the warp yarn tension curve in the preparation process of ECMO membrane fabrics is accomplished, realizing the low-damage preparation of ECMO membrane fabrics. 2) The strength, outer diameter, and air flux of the PMP hollow fiber are significantly attenuated during the knitting process of the ECMO membrane fabric on a HKS Tricot warp knitting machine. This attenuation is primarily attributable to the material properties of the PMP membrane. A key contributing factor is the mismatch between the constant speed let-off rate and the actual amount of yarn required for the knitting process. 3) By testing ECMO membrane fabrics preparation under adaptive tension control, it was found that the mechanical properties, outer diameter, and air permeability of the PMP hollow fibers were significantly improved. The N2 flux of the prepared ECMO membrane fabrics was attenuated by 17%, the CO2 flux was attenuated by 12%, and the O2 flux was attenuated by 14%. The flatness, density, and gas flux results of the fabric have reached the level of foreign products.

Key words: medical textiles, oxygenation membrane fabric for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation system, polymethylpentene hollow fiber membrane, warp knitted fabric, low-damage preparation method, breathable property

CLC Number: 

  • TS181.8


Simulation diagram of oxygenation membrane knitted fabric. (a) Stitch simulation diagram; (b) Loop structure diagram; (c) Stitch lapping diagram"


Parameter index of PMP hollow fiber membrane"

N2通量 断裂强
PMP(样品) 395 0.10±0.015 90 251.54 150
PMP(实验) 405 0.15±0.025 95 265.21 140


Structure diagram of warp knitting machine. (a) Side view of warp knitting machine; (b) Schematic diagram of knitting mechanism"


Knitting experimental parameters of oxygenated membrane knitted fabric preparation"

机号 机速/
1穿10* 1-0// 1 100 11
1穿10* 1-0// 1 000 10
1穿10* 1-0// 900 9


Oxygenated membrane knitted fabric diagram with different yarn feeding amount. (a) 1 100 mm/rack;(b) 1 000 mm/rack; (c) 900 mm/rack"


Mechanical properties of PMP hollow fiber membrane after knitting"

断裂强力 断裂伸长率/% 弹性模量
均值/cN CV值/% 均值 CV值 均值/MPa CV值/%
试样1 84.79 8.05 238.05 10.68 123.46 15.42
试样2 85.77 8.62 241.03 11.20 126.14 34.45
试样3 75.28 15.78 205.35 18.92 107.27 40.80


Test chart of outer diameter of PMP hollow fiber membrane at non-knitted position and knitted position under different yarn feeding amounts. (a) 1 100 mm/rack; (b) 1 000 mm/rack; (c) 900 mm/rack"


Outer diameter of PMP hollow fiber membrane after knitting"

编织前外径 非编织位置外径 编织位置外径
均值/μm CV值/% 均值/μm CV值/% 均值/μm CV值/%
试样1 405.75 8.35 375.79 7.05 366.05 16.68
试样2 403.77 8.45 390.95 6.62 375.03 12.20
试样3 404.15 8.18 365.28 11.78 310.03 20.92


PMP hollow fiber membrane gas flux test after knitting"

N2 CO2 O2
编织前 编织后 编织前 编织后 编织前 编织后
样品 0.135 0.315 0.255
试样1 0.155 0.067 0.365 0.249 0.305 0.176
试样2 0.155 0.078 0.365 0.288 0.305 0.192
试样3 0.155 0.045 0.365 0.145 0.305 0.095


Knitting action decomposition diagram"


Knitting action angle interval"

梳栉运动过程 主轴角度/(°) 使用角度/(°) 推纬片动作
针背垫纱 245~80 195
针背-针前 80~125 45 针前→针背
针前垫纱 125~190 65 针背→针前
针前-针背 190~245 55


Tension profile during knitting cycle"


Adaptive tension control principle (a) and strategy (b)"


Testbed composition"

名称 数量 规格型号 功能
特种经编机 1台 HKS2/E24 编织设备
整机控制系统 1套 WKC2.0 整机操控平台
运动控制卡 1套 固高800-PG 运动控制器
伺服电动机 1套 汇川750 W 控制及执行机构
张力传感器 1套 JZHL(0~1 N) 张力采集
测试平台 1套 LMS Test.Lab 张力数据分析


Knitting tension profile with adaptive control"


Warp tension with and without adaptive tension control"

无自适应张力/cN 自适应张力/cN
900 13 26 3~28 6 12 3.7~11.5
1 000 9 22 2.4~23 5 10 3~10
1 100 10 18 2.3~19 3.5 8 2.3~8


Appearance effect of oxygenated membrane knitted fabric under adaptive tension. (a) ECMO membrane knitted fabric surface; (b) Fabric density (×500); (c) Outer diameter in non-knitted position; (d) Outer diameter in knitted position"

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