JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH ›› 2006, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (8): 53-56.

• 研究探讨 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Body shape analysis of adult men in the East China

YANG Zi-tian;ZHANG Wen-bin;ZHANG Wei-yuan   

  1. Fashion Institute;Donghua University;Shanghai 200051;China
  • Received:2004-10-27 Revised:2005-07-13 Online:2006-08-15 Published:2006-08-15

Abstract: 400 adult men aging from 19 to 65 were selected at random in the East China for body measurement on 20 parts,and the data obtained were pre-processed and necessary statstics and analysis were conducted.Their body shape characteristics and how they differ between different groups classified according to the age bracket and body length were described from many aspects with qualitative and quantitative indexes.The findings of research revealed that the 30 to 40 age bracket is a dividing line,and obvious changes are seen with the dividing line.The height increases gradually as body length varies,and so does the circumferences,but little change is found in angle items.When compared with the average value and standard deviation in(GB 1335—91,) it shows that body types of adult men in the East China are taller,stronger,and more harmonic in proportion on the whole.

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