Structure and properties of polytetrafluorethylene layered membranes for protective clothing
HUANG Ji-zhi;ZHANG Jian-chun;WANG Feng4
1.Textile and Garment College;Southern Yangtze University;Wuxi;Jiangsu 214122;China;2.College of Textile;Donghua University;Shanghai 201620;China;3.The Quartermaster Research Institute of General Logistics Department of the CPLA;Beijing 100088;China;4.Shanghai New & Special Textile Material Research Center;Shanghai 200082;China
HUANG Ji-zhi;ZHANG Jian-chun;WANG Feng. Structure and properties of polytetrafluorethylene layered membranes for protective clothing[J].JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH, 2006, 27(9): 78-80.