JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH ›› 2008, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (7): 1-5.

• 纤维材料 •     Next Articles

Impact of tension on the structure and properties of PET/PTT filaments

XIAO Hong;SHI Meiwu;LIU Jing   

  1. 1.The Quartermaster Research Institute of the General Logistics Department of the PLA;Beijing 100082;China;2.Donghua University;Shanghai 201620;China
  • Received:2007-08-24 Revised:2008-01-04 Online:2008-07-15 Published:2008-07-15

Abstract: The paper discusses the properties and structure of the PET/PTT filaments under various tension conditions.As the tension increases,the sonic orientation factor of PET/PTT fiber increases and the Yang′s modulus also increases;the crimp shrinkage rate and the curve elongation rate of PET/PTT fiber decrease exponentially.Moisture thermal treatment of PET/PTT filament under fully relaxed state can impart it the most prominent crimp,but the Yang′s modulus of the fiber will decrease significantly;appropriate small tension is beneficial for both the crimp and the Yang′s modulus.

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