JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (08): 72-76.

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Influence of inkjet printing parameters on imagine definition of coated pigment ink inkjet printing


  • Received:2015-09-09 Revised:2016-04-13 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2016-08-05


In order to improve the imagine definition of the pigment ink inkjet printing and determine suitable pigment ink printing parameters, taking nano coated pigment ink as the research object, the jetting voltage, waveform, inkjet amount, jetting frequency, jetting distance and substrate temperature which could affect the accuracy of inkjet printing were studied. Experimental results showed that higher jetting voltage endowed the drops with faster speed which was related to irregular designs. Proper jetting waveform, jetting frequency and jetting distance could improve the accuracy of designs effectively. High temperature could suppress the degree of ink bleeding. The greater the inkjet amount was, the worse the degree of the bleeding was. The proper printing parameters was jetting voltage of 18V, jetting frequency of 10-30kHz, jetting distance of 0.6-0.8mm and temperature of 40 oC.

Key words: inkjet printing parameters, coated pigment ink, inkjet printing, imagine definition

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