Journal of Textile Research ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 85-91.

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Size-free sizing process for cellulosic yarns


  • Received:2015-09-24 Revised:2015-11-19 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-02-22


In order to prevent the pollution to the environment due to the conventional sizing processes suffer from problems and improve the sizing performance, an efficacy and environmental friendly friendly sizing process is in need. In this research a no-size sizing process for cellulosic yarns was developed based on the low temperature cellulose dissolution mechanism. The fiber surfaces in yarns was partially dissolved or swelled and then formed thin films to reinforce yarns and attach hairiness to the yarn body. Compared with the traditional sizing process, the no-size sizing process could not only enhance the strength and abrasion resistance of yarns, but also better maintain the elasticity of yarns, substantially reduce the amount of harmful hairiness and improve the dyeability of yarns. Due to the size films was thin, yarns was still soft, and hence the desizing process was negligible. The developed no-size sizing process, low in cost, energy consumption and carbon emission, has the potential to be employed in large scale industrial production.

Key words: natural ecllulose yarn, sizing, abrasion resistance, mechanical proteryt, hairiness, dyeability

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