Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 182-188.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20181201407

• Comprehensive Review • Previous Articles    

Research progress on flatness of garment sewing

XIAO Ping1,2,3, QIAN Bodan1, LU Hong1,2,3(), ZHANG Xianghui1,2,3, ZHANG Yuan1   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    3. Shanghai Institute of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2018-12-07 Revised:2019-05-20 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-26
  • Contact: LU Hong


In order to effectively evaluate the quality of sewing flatness of garments, the domestic and foreign clothing appearance evaluation standards and related research were sorted out. From two aspects of fabric performance and sewing conditions, the influence factors of flatness were summerized, and the evaluation methods of sewing flatness were discussed by subjective evaluation and objective evaluation.The influence of the sewing process factors on the flatness was comprehensively analyzed from a multi-factorial perspective. It is necessary to improve the accuracy of the mathematical model between the physical and mechanical properties of the fabric and the sewing wrinkle level of the fabric, improve the flatness prediction model based on the physical properties of the fabric, and seek the study of the flatness of the garment parts of the curved joint. It is proposed to establish a new model for the intelligent evaluation of garment appearance quality, and prospect the research direction of garment sewing flatness from the perspective of garment production and production, which provides a reference for the subsequent study of sewing flatness and garment making.

Key words: clothing appearance quality, sewing flatness, fabric property, sewing condition, flatness evaluation

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.17


Main influencing factors of clothing seaming"


Comparative analysis of national standards and textile industry standards"

标准编号 标准名称 内容 特点 缺陷
GB/T 18132—2016 《丝绸服装》 主要表面缝制部位皱缩按照GSB16—2178丝绸服装缝制起皱5级样照规定 针对口袋、拉链、门襟、下摆,共计25个部位进行缩皱等级规定,各项不得低于4级 未有水洗前、后的缝制褶皱等级规定
GB/T 2660—2017 《衬衫》 1)针对各部位设定不同品类的起皱级别;
GB/T 2664—2017 《男西服、大衣》 部件缝制皱缩参照《男西服外观起皱样照》规定 干洗后起皱级别优等品>4级,一等品≥4级,合格品≥3级 无洗涤前起皱级别的规定
GB/T 14272—2011 《羽绒服》 部位缝制皱褶按《羽绒服装外观疵点及缝制起皱五级样照》规定 各部位平整度等级不低于3级 平整度优等品、一等品等无明确等级规定
FZ/T 73056—2016 《针织西服》 针织西服外观平整度、接缝外观平整度参照GB/T 13769、GB/T 13771 外观平整度、缝纫外观平整度、水洗后黏合衬质量有明确的指标要求 无部件的缝制平整度等级的规定
FZ/T 81004—2003 《连衣裙、裙套》 各部位缝制平服、顺直、整齐、牢固 阐述各个部件的缝制质量要求 无明确的起皱级别规定
FZ/T 81006—2017 《牛仔服装》 各部位缝制不平服为轻微缺陷 针对轻缺陷、重缺陷、严重缺陷阐述各个部件的缝制质量要求 无明确的起皱级别规定
FZ/T 81008—2011 《茄克衫》 各部位缝制平服、线路顺直整齐 洗涤干燥后外观平整度,优等品≥3级,其他不考虑;
FZ/T 81010—2009 《风衣》 表面部件缝制皱缩按照《男西服外观起皱样照》规定 干洗后起皱级别优等品5级,一等品≥4级,合格品≥3级 无干洗前起皱级别的规定


Objective evaluation method"

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