Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (04): 155-160.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190705906

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Design of automatic scraping component based on buffering strategy for tool setting

DING Caihong(), LI Shucheng, JI Xingyue   

  1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2019-07-22 Revised:2020-02-02 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-27


In response to the current demand for automatic spinneret scraping in chemical fiber spinning production, an automatic scraping method was proposed, and a scraper assembly with a tool setting buffering structure of series-parallel spring was designed. By planning the tool setting motion parameters and establishing the dynamic model of the scraper assembly, the stiffness coefficient of the springs was determined. The correctness of the motion parameter design and the buffering structure design was verified by Adams simulation of the tool setting motion. Consequently, an automatic scraping test platform was set up and the measurement experiments of the contact force between the scraper and the spinneret were performed at the tool setting stage. The measurement results show that the variation trend of the contact force in the actual tool setting motion is consistent with that in Adams simulation. In addition, it is proved by experiment that the scraper assembly can clean the spinneret surface effectively, and the scraping effect becomes more obvious as the contact force increases. The results acquired in this research is expected to be helpful for refined design of the automatic scraping system as a technical reference.

Key words: chemical fiber spinning, spinneret, spring buffer, automatic scraping, Adams simulation

CLC Number: 

  • TS152.7


Scraping method of porous spinneret"


Technical parameters of manual scraping"

要素 工艺及参数
铲板周期 喷丝板组件更换不久为2~3 d一次铲板,接近组件更换周期为1~1.5 d一次铲板
硅油喷洒 摇匀后距喷丝板面20~30 cm处向喷丝板均匀喷洒
铲板倾角 铲刀刃口与喷丝板面呈45°~60°
铲板方式 朝同一方向反复铲板至白色结焦物刮干净为止
铲板力度 20~50 N(铲刀刃口与喷丝板的接触力)
铲刀尺寸 加工或打磨铲刀厚度约3 mm,刃口角度约30°


Structure of scraper component"


Structural relationship between scraper and holder"


Tool movement planning. (a)Tool setting stage;(b)Contact force of scraper"


Tool setting process of scraper component. (a)Scraper starting to touch spinneret;(b) Scraper tightly pressed upon spinneret"


Velocity change trend of scraper component"


Force trend of contact force of scraper and springs"


Test device of automatic scraping for spinneret"


Contact force of scraper during tool setting"


Scraping effect with different contact forces. (a) Before scraping; (b) 20 N; (c) 30 N;(d) 40 N"

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