Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (05): 184-190.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190505607

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Research progress in impact-energy-absorbing cushioning garments

WANG Yaxian, LI Yanmei()   

  1. College of Textile and Garment, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2019-05-24 Revised:2020-02-15 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-06-02
  • Contact: LI Yanmei


In order to establish understanding for the protection, wear comfort of impact-energy-absorbing cushioning garments under low-speed impact, this paper reports on the research outcomes of two types of protection methods, i.e. triggered protection and non-triggered protection, used for impact-energy-absorbing cushioning garments both in China and abroad. It reviews the three test methods and related standards of the protective performance test of the garments in the non-dressing and dressing states, and then discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The results show that the triggered and non-triggered protection of impact-energy-absorbing cushioning garments involves multidisciplinary collaborations of many fields such as electrics, medicine, clothing, and so on. As for the cushioning materials, they should meet the wearability requirement while satisfying the basic protective performance. In terms of protection performance evaluation, numerical simulation is shown to be able to avoid uncontrollable risks, and simulation models should fully consider the "human-clothing" interaction. The review concludes that test standards should be developed for unification and universality.

Key words: low speed impact, protective garments, energy absorption buffer, bone injury, protective performance

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.73


Clothing for application of soft energy-absorbing protective materials"

服装名称 吸能材料选择 防护结构原理 结合方式 年份 研发阶段
丹麦SafeHip?[13] 经编、纬编间隔
BAZUS滑雪服 D3O凝胶 D3O受外力瞬时变硬,
插片式,可拆卸 2009 市售
新型裤子、外套[14,15] 弹性材质如气囊 密闭气体压缩吸收能量 可拆卸 2014、2016 专利
防护运动服[16] 针织纬编间隔织物 间隔丝的变形压缩吸收能量 一体化 2015 实验室研究
防护型功能服[17] D3O凝胶、
衍缝,不可拆卸 2016 专利
聚氨酯材料 聚氨酯压缩吸收能量 双层夹缓冲材料,
2016 实验室研究


Material parameters in the model of pelvic-soft tissue-sponge material"

材料种类 密度/(g·cm-3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比
皮质骨 1.40 7 300 0.300
松质骨 1.10 200 0.300
软组织 0.75 Hyperelastic 0.495
海绵泡沫 0.05 Hyperfoam 0.000
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