Journal of Textile Research ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 150-157.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20191202508

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development of novel intelligent silk quilt for young children

HUANG Yangyang1(), LIU Wei2, HUA Ying3, ZHAO Zhongqi4, XU Jin5   

  1. 1. Institute of Applied Technology of Silk, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
    2. Suzhou Taihu Snow Silk Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
    3. Department of Computer and the Information Engineering, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
    4. Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
    5. Jiangsu Sericulture Society, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210000, China
  • Received:2019-12-10 Revised:2020-07-01 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-10-27


Aiming to prevent young children from kicking off quilt during sleeping, this paper reported on the development of a new silk intelligent quilt. In this research, micro temperature sensors were fitted at specific locations of the silk quilt, and the collected temperature data were conveyed to a mobile phone via Bluetooth. A mobile application procedure was created for reading the data and for analyzing temperature change relating to quilt off-kicking, and the sound and vibration alarm of mobile phone would be triggered once predetermined conditions were met. The product performance test results show that under the conditions of alarm time equalling or more than 7 min and a full off-kick, the warning success rate is 100%, warning time accuracy is less than or equals to 3 min, and there is not false alarm logged. Some special cases of kicking is also identified.

Key words: young children, quilt off-kicking, silk quilt, micro sensor, intelligent alarm

CLC Number: 

  • TS141.8


Temperature sensor by Bluetooth. (a) Front face of sensor; (b) Back face of sensor; (c) Side face of sensor"


Shell design model and finished product. (a) Front face of shell model; (b) Back face of shell model; (c) Final product"


Interface of mobile APP software. (a)Scanning and connection interface of Bluetooth; (b)Data displaying and alarm time threshold setting interface; (c)Kicking quilt alarm interface"


Plane position of sensor"


Stereo position of sensor"


Effect of sensor position in quilt on temperature acquisition. (a) Close to side of human body; (b) Aaway from side of human body"


Effect of ambient temperature on sensor"


Sensor temperature variation after completely kicking off quilt. (a)At ambient temperature 21 ℃; (b) At ambient temperature 26 ℃"


Temperature changes during actual sleep"


False alarm condition during normal sleep (temperature constant and decreasing)"

2/ ℃
温度变化 逻辑状态
4∶52 35.8 34.7 31.4 出现升温 跳出逻辑
4∶53 35.7 34.6 31.4 持平和下降 进入逻辑1 min
4∶54 35.6 34.6 31.4 持平和下降 逻辑计时2 min
4∶55 35.6 34.5 31.4 持平和下降 逻辑计时3 min
4∶56 35.4 34.5 31.3 持平和下降 逻辑计时4 min
4∶57 35.2 34.4 31.3 持平和下降 逻辑计时5 min
4∶58 34.6 34.3 31.3 持平和下降 逻辑计时6 min
4∶59 34.0 33.9 31.3 持平和下降 逻辑计时7 min
5∶00 33.6 33.5 31.4 出现升温 逻辑计时归零


False alarm during normal sleep (temperature constant)"

2/ ℃
温度变化 逻辑状态
4∶46 36.0 34.7 31.3 出现升温 跳出逻辑
4∶47 36.0 34.7 31.3 持平 进入逻辑1 min
4∶48 36.0 34.7 31.3 持平 逻辑计时2 min
4∶49 36.0 34.7 31.3 持平 逻辑计时3 min
4∶50 36.0 34.7 31.3 持平 逻辑计时4 min
4∶51 36.0 34.7 31.3 持平 逻辑计时5 min
4∶52 35.8 34.7 31.4 出现升温 逻辑计时归零


False alarm condition during normal sleep(temperature flat or falling)"

2/ ℃
温度变化 逻辑状态
2∶56 31.8 33.5 32.0 出现升温 跳出逻辑
2∶57 31.8 33.5 31.9 持平和下降 进入逻辑1 min
2∶58 31.8 33.5 31.9 持平 逻辑计时2 min
2∶59 31.8 33.5 31.9 持平 逻辑计时3 min
3∶00 31.8 33.5 31.9 持平 逻辑计时4 min
3∶01 31.8 33.5 31.9 持平 逻辑计时5 min
3∶02 31.8 33.6 31.9 出现升温 逻辑计时归零


Temperature changes of sensor after quilt partially kicked off"


Logical judgment model of kicking quilt"


Test results of actual produce performance"

100 ≥7 延时≤3
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