Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 178-185.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210910608

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Chemical separation and recycling of waste polyester/cotton blended military training uniforms

DONG Shuang1, KONG Yuying1, GUAN Jinping1,2(), CHENG Xianwei1,2, CHEN Guoqiang1,2   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
    2. National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
  • Received:2021-09-27 Revised:2021-11-01 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-28
  • Contact: GUAN Jinping


Polyester/cotton blended fabrics are widely used for military training uniforms and civilian military training uniforms. However, the military training uniforms, form a large amount of waste every year, leading to heavy waste of resources. This paper reports the alcoholysis of polyester from the polyester/cotton blended military training uniforms with zinc acetate, urea, and urea-zinc acetate eutectic system as catalysts, where the cellulose was also recycled through this acid hydrolysis. The influence of the catalyst type and dosage, and the reaction temperature and time on the alcoholysis efficiency of polyester was explored. Three different waste textiles containing polyester were used. The alcoholysis polyethene terephthalate(BHET) monomer and acidolysis cellulose were characterized using the fourier transform infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, differential scanning calorimetry analyses. The results show that the polyester has good alcoholysis efficiency under the following conditions: zinc acetate as the catalyst, the relative mass fraction of waste military training uniforms was 0.6%, the reaction solid-liquid ratio was 1∶6, the reaction temperature was 196 ℃, and the reaction time was 3 h. White cellulose was obtained and the goal of separating and recycling different components of waste military training uniforms was achieved.

Key words: military training uniforms, polyester/cotton blended fabric, waste textiles, alcoholysis, chemical separation, recycling

CLC Number: 

  • TQ342.21


Effect of catalyst types on polyester alcoholysis of waste military training uniforms"

催化剂种类 聚酯转化率/% BHET选择性/%
尿素体系 19.08±0.21 3.69±0.32
醋酸锌体系 87.39±0.23 54.46±0.25
尿素-醋酸锌共晶体系 63.69±0.30 39.08±0.31


Effect of reaction temperature on polyester alcoholysis of waste military training uniform"

反应温度/℃ 聚酯转化率/% BHET选择性/%
145 22.46±0.24 9.84±0.21
170 69.54±0.22 58.15±0.25
196 92.43±0.15 85.66±0.13
220 58.71±0.21 50.22±0.29


Effect of amounts of zinc acetate on polyester alcoholysis of waste military training uniforms"

醋酸锌用量/% 聚酯转化率/% BHET选择性/%
0.0 14.77±0.24 2.46±0.22
0.2 93.23±0.21 71.08±0.24
0.4 88.31±0.23 75.69±0.22
0.6 92.43±0.24 85.66±0.20
0.8 87.88±0.25 81.35±0.24
1.0 96.06±0.19 75.02±0.23


Effect of time on polyester alcoholysis of waste military training uniforms"

时间/h 聚酯转化率/% BHET选择性/%
1 57.85±0.22 40.89±0.22
2 72.49±0.23 54.71±0.30
3 92.43±0.25 85.66±0.21
4 87.17±0.20 60.46±0.22


Application effect of alcoholysis recovery method for different polyester/cotton textiles"

醇解底物 聚酯转化率/% BHET选择性/%
废旧涤纶/棉混纺军训服 93.23±0.15 71.08±0.13
白色纯涤纶织物 86.4±0.20 58.46±0.21
白色涤纶/棉混纺织物 95.69±0.23 74.77±0.18
酸解后废旧涤纶/棉混纺军训服 57.85±0.30 3.08±0.35


FT-IR spectra of BHET obtained from separation of different polyester/cotton textiles"


1H NMR patterns of main product of alcoholysis products of different reaction substrates. (a)1H NMR patterns of main product owaste military training uniforms;(b)1H NMR patterns of main product of white polyeste/cotton textiles; (c)1H NMR patterns of main product of white polyester textiles"


1H NMR Multiple peak analysis of products recovered from different substrates by alcoholysis"

醇解底物 化学位移 裂分数目 偶合常数
8.13 单峰(s) 2
4.97 三重峰(t) 5.7 1
4.37~4.30 多重峰(m) 2
3.74 四重峰(q) 5.3 2
8.16 单峰(s) 2
5.00 三重峰(t) 5.6 1
4.37 三重峰(t) 4.9 2
3.77 四重峰(q) 5.3 2
8.12 单峰(s) 2
4.96 三重峰(t) 5.7 1
4.36~4.29 多重峰(m) 2
3.77~3.69 多重峰(m) 2


13C NMR multiple peak analysis of products recovered from different substrates by alcoholysis"

醇解底物 化学位移
废旧涤纶/棉混纺军训服 165.63
白色涤纶/棉混纺织物 165.63
白色纯涤纶织物 165.63


13C NMR patterns of main product of alcoholysis products of different reaction substrates. (a)13C NMR patterns of main product owaste military training uniforms; (b)13C NMR patterns of main product of white polyeste/cotton textiles; (c)13C NMR patterns of main product of white polyester textiles"


DSC of product BHET obtained from separation of different polyester/cotton textiles"


Morphology of alcoholysis products. (a) Morphology of BHET (×100); (b) Morphology of BHET (×200);(c) Picture of remaining cotton fiber after alcoholysis;(d) A large number of needles and a small amount of floccules precipitated in alcoholysis solution after alcoholysis"


FT-IR spectra of cotton fiber and cellulose after acid hydrolysis"


Morphology of acidolysis products. (a) Morphology of cotton fiber before alcoholysis (×1 000); (b) Morphology of cotton fiber before acidolysis (×500); (c) Morphology of cotton fiber before acidolysis (×1 000);(d) Pictures of suspension and insoluble colored suspension after dialysis."

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