Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (08): 113-118.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210805106

• Dyeing and Finishing & Chemicals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Strain sensing property and respiration monitoring of polyaniline-coated warp-knitted fabrics

WANG Chenlu1, MA Jinxing2, YANG Yaqing1, HAN Xiao1, HONG Jianhan1,3,4(), ZHAN Haihua1,3,4, YANG Shiqian1, YAO Shaofang1, LIU Jiangqiaona1   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Garment, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
    2. Shaoxing Shuixiang Textile Technology Co., Ltd., Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312030, China
    3. Key Laboratory of Clean Dyeing and Finishing Technology of Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
    4. Shaoxing Sub-center of National Engineering Research Center for Fiber-based Composites, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
  • Received:2021-08-11 Revised:2022-02-22 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-24
  • Contact: HONG Jianhan


For preparation of knitted flexible sensor for respiratory monitoring in smart clothing, a two-bar tricot polyester warp-knitted fabric was pretreated by plasma followed by in-situ polymerization treatment for conductivity. The structure, electrical conductivity and strain-resistance sensing property of conductive warp-knitted fabric was investigated, and its application in respiratory monitoring smart underwear was also discussed. The results show that conductive treatment of in-situ polymerization gives the polyester warp-knitted fabric good electrical conductivity, and the resistivity of the fabric is about 11 orders of magnitude lower than that of the untreated. The resistance of conductive warp-knitted fabric decreases during stretching and recovers when shrinking, which shows good strain-resistance sensing characteristics. After a long time of reciprocating stretching, the resistance changes of the conductive warp-knitted fabric remain stable, and the gauge factors are about 6 and 4 at 6% and 10% strain conditions, respectively. The conductive warp-knitted fabric sensor demonstrates good ability to monitor human respiration, which can not only record the occurrence, but also monitor the rate and intensity of respiration.

Key words: smart clothing, warp-knitted fabric, strain sensor, polyaniline, respiration monitoring

CLC Number: 

  • TS181.8


Test device for strain-resistance of conductive warp-knitted fabric"


Respiration monitoring experiment. (a)Expiration; (b) Inspiration"


SEM images of pretreated warp-knitted fabric(a) and conductive warp-knitted fabric(b) (×1 000)"


FT-IR spectra of pretreated warp-knitted fabric and conductive warp\|knitted fabric"


Conductivity of conductive warp-knitted fabric"

测试次数 电阻/104 Ω 电阻率/(102 Ω·cm)
1 0.239 0.574
2 0.234 0.562
3 0.245 0.588
平均值 0.239 0.574


Resistance changes of conductive warp-knitted fabric under different strain"


Linear fitting equations"

应变/% 拟合方程 相关系数r
6 y = –0.162 9x + 1.044 0.975
10 y = –0.184 1x + 1.003 1 0.966


Coil structure (a)and resistance network model (b) of two bar tricot fabric"


Repeatability of strain-resistance sensing ofconductive warp-knitted fabric"


Resistance variation of sensor during breathing under different state of motion"


Data of respiration monitoring"

状态 R/R0最大值与最小值的差值 呼吸间隔时间/s
睡眠 0.014 3.01
静坐 0.035 2.84
跑步(5 min) 0.140 3.97
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